Tuesday, May 25, 2021


One of the things I've enjoyed about watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels is how they incorporate and reference elements from the original movies, primarily in bits of dialogue or shot composition.  The main purpose of this blog is simply to note these, pedantic and obsessive though it may be.  I have many half-written notes languishing in Google Documents, and I felt that doing this project publicly would help to keep me accountable.

To begin with, I'm going to re-watch both series and write about what I've previously noticed and any new things I see.  I'm undecided about what to do with some seasons, however.  I'd like to include frames from the shows in order to illustrate what I'm writing about, but I'm unable to do this reliably for the seventh season of The Clone Wars (because screen clippings I try to take of Disney+ end up as black rectangles) and for the third and fourth seasons of Rebels (because I have those seasons on Bluray and can't play them on my computer).  It's possible that I'll be able to find what I need in clips or images from the Star Wars website or YouTube channel, but I guess I'll see what happens.

I'm sure that I'll miss some references and similarities, but this blog is meant more as an on-going project than a one-time catalogue.

Eventually (probably after I've gone through everything the first time), I'll delve a little deeper than just these references and write some posts with more substance.  There are a handful of episodes I've already written about on an-other blog, and I'll put those posts here too.