Tuesday, November 29, 2022

The Clone Wars - S4E12 - "Slaves of the Republic"

0:38 -  This shot where the camera keeps pace with the Tecora as it passes other ships is similar to a shot of the Millennium Falcon in Return of the Jedi [1:26:55].

13:59 - Anakin salutes as a signal for R2 to launch his lightsaber to him, just like Luke does in Return of the Jedi [32:32].

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Clone Wars - S4E11 - "Kidnapped"

6:10 - There's a musical cue of the Imperial March as Anakin expresses his dislike of Zygerrian slave traders.

11:48 - Anakin (after Ahsoka asks how he knew that slicing a bomb with his lightsaber would disarm it):  "I trusted my instincts."  This is similar to what Qui-Gon tells him in The Phantom Menace:  "Feel, don't think; use your instincts" [57:47].

20:39:  Darts D'Nar:  "The Jedi will not stop us this time."  Vader uses the same expression in A New Hope:  "There'll be no one to stop us this time" [8:44].

21:05 - Ahsoka (after Yularen explains that the colonists on Kiros have vanished):  "Vanished?  That's impossible."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke also says, "That's impossible" [1:51:21].


Some of the control panels in the Tecora have the same hexagonal pattern seen in the homestead garage in Attack of the Clones and A New Hope:

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

The Clone Wars - S4E10 - "Carnage of Krell"

11:25 - Krell:  "It's treason, then."  Palpatine also says this in Revenge of the Sith [1:11:22].

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Clone Wars - S4E9 - "Plan of Dissent"

4:05 - Jesse:  "The capital is too well armed."  During the conference on the Death Star in A New Hope, General Tagge* has a similar line:  "The Rebel Alliance is too well equipped" [37:02].

8:49 - Clone Trooper (to General Krell):  "Sir, there appears to be a disturbance in hangar nine four."  This seems to be a reference to the number of the Millennium Falcon's docking bay in A New Hope, although Han Solo and Obi-Wan Kenobi both pronounce it as one number ("ninety-four") [49:19].

8:54 - Krell:  "Trooper, what's going on down there?  Trooper?  Report, trooper."
Fives:  "Uh, yes, sir, everything's fine in the hangar, sir.  Nothing's out of control down here."
Krell:  "Then why have the alarms been triggered?"
Fives:  "Ah, uh, uh, uh, it's just a drill, uh, safety drill, sir."
Krell:  "Safety check occurs at 0600.  Who authorized this drill?"
Fives:  "Uh, we are decrypting the alien hardware, sir, standard operating procedure."
Krell:  "Who is this?  What's your CT number?  Trooper, identify yourself."

Elements of this (particularly Krell's last line) are reminiscent of the conversion that Han Solo has with an Imperial officer in A New Hope [1:15:17].

Han:  "Uh, everything's under control.  Situation normal."
Officer:  "What happened?"
Han:  "Uh, had a slight weapons malfunction, but, uh, everything's perfectly alright now.  We're fine.  We're all fine here now.  Thank you.  How are you?"
Officer:  "We're sending a squad up."
Han:  "Uh, uh, negative, negative.   We have, uh, a reactor leak here, uh, now.  Give us a few minutes to lock it down.  Uh, large leak, very dangerous."
Officer:  "Who is this?  What's your operating number?"

11:50 - Fives:  "General Skywalker blew up a droid control ship when he was just a kid, and he told me the trick is hitting their main reactor from the inside."  This may be an obvious reference, but I'll note it anyway:  Anakin's blowing up the droid control ship occurs near the end of The Phantom Menace. [2:02:32].

14:58 - Fives (upon seeing the space battle):  "Whoa!  What the?"  In Attack of the Clones, an alien on Coruscant makes this same exclamation as he sees Obi-Wan flying through traffic while hanging from a droid [15:08]; Han Solo says it in A New Hope after emerging from hyperspace into a meteor shower [1:03:15], and in Return of the Jedi, a scout trooper says this after being hit by Wicket [1:05:38].

*It's spelt "Tagge" on the Star Wars website, but in the credits, it's "Taggi."

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The Clone Wars - S4E8 - "The General"

6:17 - Hard Case (after the ground shakes):  "What the?"  In Attack of the Clones, an alien on Coruscant makes this same exclamation as he sees Obi-Wan flying through traffic while hanging from a droid [15:08]; Han Solo says it in A New Hope after emerging from hyperspace into a meteor shower [1:03:15], and in Return of the Jedi, a scout trooper says this after being hit by Wicket [1:05:38].

6:33 - Fives (to Hard Case, referring to the Umbaran tank):  "Blast it!"  Probably just coincidentally, Luke also yells this to Han in A New Hope (referring to the dianoga in the trash compactor):  "Blast it, will you!?" [1:20:38].  He also uses this expression simply to express frustration:  "Blast it!" after R2-D2 disappears [26:49] and "Blast it, Biggs, where are you?" when a TIE fighter is behind him during the Battle of Yavin [1:49:09].  This is also how Obi-Wan uses it in Attack of the Clones, when Jango Fett ambushes him:  "Blast!  This is why I hate flying!" [1:08:22].

8:26 - Fives:  "We're safe for the moment."  This line is similar to some dialogue in A New Hope.  Luke asks C-3PO, "Are you safe?" and he replies, "For the moment" [1:26:02].

15:58 - Hard Case:  "I prefer a good fight to all this sneakin' around."  Han Solo says almost the same thing in A New Hope:  "I prefer a straight fight to all this sneakin' around" [1:09:01].

20:22 - General Krell (after the clones have defeated the Umbaran tanks):  "Impressive."  Vader gives a similar compliment to Luke in The Empire Strikes Back:  "Impressive, most impressive" [1:44:30].

21:28 - Rex:  "A lot of men died to take this base."  Perhaps coincidentally, this is very similar to Mon Mothma's line "Many Bothans died to bring us this information" in Return of the Jedi [49:36].