Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Clone Wars - S5E11 - "A Sunny Day in the Void"

7:40 - Colonel Gascon (about the prospect of WAC-47's getting a promotion):  "Over my dead body."  Han Solo uses this same expression in A New Hope [50:42].

18:16 - Colonel Gascon (to WAC-47):  "This is our only hope.  We've got to stop following my training or your programming and follow the birds' instincts."  Leia uses the phrase "only hope" twice in A New Hope ("Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope" [35:35] and "You must use the information in this R2 unit to help plan the attack; it's our only hope" [1:38:49]); C-3PO uses it once in The Empire Strikes Back ("Your highness, we must take this last transport; it's our only hope" [31:49]); Obi-Wan uses it once, referring to Luke, in Return of the Jedi ("You were our only hope" [47:24]); and Luke uses it once, referring to Leia, in Return of the Jedi ("If I don't make it back, you're the only hope for the Alliance" [1:19:39]). Sio Bibble also uses it in The Phantom Menace: "Our only hope is for the senate to side with us" [23:48].

20:08 - Colonel Gascon:  "I don't believe it; those mechs beat us here."  The context is quite different, but Luke also says, "I don't, I don't believe it" in The Empire Strikes Back, after Yoda uses the Force to get his X-wing out of the swamp [1:13:10].

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The Clone Wars - S5E10 - "Secret Weapons"

0:18 - Narrator:  "Secret transmission intercepted!"  This line contains the same words that are used in Vader's interrogation of Captain Antilles in A New Hope [5:44].  Vader asks, "Where are those transmissions you intercepted?  What have you done with those plans?" to which Antilles replies, "We intercepted no transmissions."

2:09 - Mace Windu (to the droids of D-Squad):  "You've worked with the Jedi before."  This is similar to what C-3PO says to Luke about R2-D2 in A New Hope:  "I've worked with him before" [19:22].

8:26 - Colonel Gascon (to WAC-47):  "You idiot, we're caught in a tractor beam."  Han Solo also says this in A New Hope:  "We're caught in a tractor beam" [1:04:53].

13:04 - Colonel Gascon:  "It's not my fault he [M5-BZ] fried his circuitry."  "It's not my fault" also appears three times in The Empire Strikes Back.  Han [1:07:00 and 1:07:02] and Lando [1:56:52] both say this when the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive doesn't work.  Han also says, "It's not my fault" in Return of the Jedi as he's explaining to Jabba why he didn't pay him [20:26], and in A New Hope, C-3PO, speaking to Luke after R2 disappears, has a similar line:  "It wasn't my fault, sir" [26:21].

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

The Clone Wars - S5E9 - "A Necessary Bond"

1:34 - Katooni (after Ganodi doesn't answer on the comlink):  "Where could she be?"  Luke has a similar line in A New Hope as he's trying to raise C-3PO on his comlink:  "Where could he be?" [1:22:12 and 1:23:19], and C-3PO himself has a similar line a bit later in A New Hope:  "Where could they be?" [1:29:33].

6:29 - Grievous (to Hondo):  "You can dispense with the pleasantries, pirate."  Vader says almost the same thing (to Moff Jerjerrod) in Return of the Jedi:  "You may dispense with the pleasantries, commander" [3:58].

9:32 - Battle droid (to R2-D2, who's creating a diversion):  "You just watch yourself."  In A New Hope, Doctor Evazan says this to Luke in the cantina [46:40].

11:08 - Huyang:  "I have instructed younglings for over a thousand generations, and these are among the best I have ever seen."  Obi-Wan uses this same phrase in A New Hope when he tells Luke, "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old Republic" [33:54].

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Clone Wars - S5E8 - "Bound for Rescue"

6:34 - One of the clone pilots suddenly lowers his speed so that the two Vulture droids that were pursuing him overtake him, similar to what Luke does with scout troopers on speeder bikes in Return of the Jedi [59:47].

12:47 - In the cockpit of the travelling carnival ship, there's yet an-other use of the hexagonal pattern seen in the homestead garage in Attack of the Clones and A New Hope:

15:10 - The framing of the shot of Obi-Wan's escape pod launching is very similar to that of C-3PO and R2-D2's escape pod launching in A New Hope, with the camera looking straight on [7:02]:

16:30 - Petro (to Katooni):  "Patience."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda and Obi-Wan also counsel Luke with, "Patience!" [Yoda at 54:36 and 55:03; Obi-Wan at 1:24:18], and in Return of the Jedi, the Emperor advises Vader:  "Patience, my friend" [38:57].  It's also part of Obi-Wan's advice to Anakin in Attack of the Clones:  "Patience.  Use the Force.  Think." [21:49].  Also in Attack of the Clones, Dooku, referring to Padmé, tells Gunray, "Patience, Viceroy, patience; she will die" [1:49:27].

20:32 - Ahsoka (to Gungi):  "Get us out of here."  In A New Hope, Han Solo also says this (to Chewbacca):  "Chewie, get us outta here!" [55:26].