Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Clone Wars - S3E2 - "ARC Troopers"

2:43 - Lama Su (after Obi-Wan explains that there may be a Separatist attack on Kamino):  "But the Republic blockade is far too strong.  They would not dare."  In The Phantom Menace, Sio Bibble says the same thing after Qui-Gon tells Amidala that the Trade Federation will kill her if she stays on Naboo:  "They wouldn't dare!" [23:36].

4:10 - General Grievous:  "Commence attack!"  Admiral Ackbar has a similar line in Return of the Jedi:  "Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor!" [1:54:46]

7:49 - Screenshots don't really do this justice, so I won't include them, but this shot of Obi-Wan riding an aiwha and emerging from beneath the ocean is very similar to a shot of a Kaminoan doing the same thing in Attack of the Clones [50:18].

14:31 - Battle droid (knocking on a door):  "Open up!"  This is similar to a situation in A New Hope where a stormtrooper knocks on the door of the room where C-3PO and R2-D2 are hiding and says, "Open up in there!  Open up in there!" [1:17:57], just from the opposite perspective.

14:46 - General Grievous:  "All too easy."  Vader also says this during his lightsaber battle with Luke in The Empire Strikes Back [1:44:18].