Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Clone Wars - S4E6 - "Nomad Droids"

The fortune cookie is "Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" which Obi-Wan says in A New Hope [1:07:29].

1:31 and 4:31 - C-3PO (to R2):  "Did you hear that?"  He also asks him this in A New Hope [2:47].  The first instance in this episode occurs while they're going down the hallway and the ship is under attack, and these circumstances also mirror those in A New Hope.

2:55 - C-3PO:  "R2, do something!  Get us out of here!"  Han Solo also says this to Chewbacca in A New Hope:  "Chewie, get us outta here!" [55:26].

6:25 - The Big Hay-Zu:  "So, you are the intruders."
C-3PO:  "Intruders, oh, hardly, your worshipfulness."

Han calls Leia "worshipfulness" in A New Hope ("Look, your worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight:  I take orders from just one person:  me!" [1:26:04]), and C-3PO calls Jabba "worshipfulness" in Return of the Jedi ("I am here, your worshipfulness" [15:02]).

9:36 - C-3PO (in response to R2's beeps):  "I heartily agree."  He uses the same expression in A New Hope after Luke suggests he wait outside by the speeder and says they want to avoid trouble in the cantina:  "I heartily agree with you, sir" [45:45].

15:43 - C-3PO:  "It's all your fault, R2, all your fault."  He places the blame on R2 twice in A New Hope too:  "I don't know what all this trouble is about, but I'm sure it must be your fault" [52:03] and "This is all your fault" [1:36:11] (when 3PO is tangled in wires in the Millennium Falcon).  He also blames himself when he thinks that Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewbacca are dying in the trash compactor:  "It's all my fault!" [1:24:42].

18:18 - C-3PO:  "Goodness gracious me!"  He also uses this expression in Return of the Jedi, at the door of Jabba's palace [5:52].


The pit droids' deception of projecting a hologram image of a leader amid smoke and lightning is similar to what the wizard does in The Wizard of Oz.