Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Clone Wars - S4E13 - "Escape from Kadavo"

13:35 - Zygerrian slaver:  "Keeper, a fleet of warships has dropped out of hyperspace in sector six."  One of the rebels says something similar in The Empire Strikes Back:  "General, there's a fleet of Star Destroyers coming out of hyperspace in sector four" [22:31].

13:46 - Plo Koon:  "Wolf leader to Wolf pack, accelerate to attack speed."  Red Leader also says, "Accelerate to attack speed" in A New Hope [1:45:56], and Lando says it in Return of the Jedi [1:35:19].

14:22 - Ahsoka:  "We'll need a bigger ship."  In Jaws, Chief Brody says something similar to Quint:  "You're gonna need a bigger boat" [1:21:24].

15:20:  Warthog (after Plo Koon shoots down two Zygerrians):  "Yeah!  That got 'em!"  Wedge has a similar exclamation in The Empire Strikes Back after one of the AT-ATs is blown up:  "Wooah!  That got him!" [29:24].

15:25 - Plo Koon:  "Watch out for those towers."  There's also some talk about towers in the attack on the Death Star in A New Hope. At 1:53:48, Wedge says, "My scope shows the tower, but I can't see the exhaust port. Are you sure the computer can hit it?" and then, "What about that tower?" to which Luke replies, "You worry about those fighters; I'll worry about the tower."

16:49 - Anakin:  "We are running out of time."  Qui-Gon also says this in The Phantom Menace:  "Either way, we're running out of time" [40:07].

17:55 - Anakin (after destroying the towers with gun emplacements):  "You're all clear, Master Plo."  Han Solo uses this same expression near the end of A New Hope:  "You're all clear, kid.  Now let's blow this thing and go home." [1:56:54]