Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The Clone Wars - S6E9 - "The Disappeared: Part 2"

1:42 - Jar Jar:  "Maxi-big the Force, Masterin Mace."  He also says this, although disdainfully and sarcastically, in The Phantom Menace:  "Oh, maxi-big the Force" [19:26].

2:59 - Cultist:  "We did not know the Gungan had such powerful friends."  Leia uses the same phrase while speaking to Jabba in Return of the Jedi:  "We have powerful friends" [21:02].

4:52 - Mace Windu:  "Do not center on your anxieties, Jar Jar."  Qui-Gon gives this same advice in The Phantom Menace:  "Don't center on your anxieties, Obi-Wan" [3:14].

5:09 - Mace Windu (to Jar Jar):  "Stay alert."  Wedge also says this in Return of the Jedi, as the rebel ships enter the Death Star:  "Stay alert; we could run out of space real fast" [1:58:00].

14:10 - Mother Talzin (to Queen Julia):  "With the combined power of your spirit and my dark magic, I will become more powerful than any Sith or Jedi."  In Attack of the Clones, Count Dooku says, "I've become more powerful than any Jedi" [2:08:30], and while talking to Padmé, Anakin says something similar in Revenge of the Sith:  "I am becoming more powerful than any Jedi has ever dreamed of" [1:44:39].

14:56 - Mace Windu (to Jar Jar):  "Get behind me."  In A New Hope, Han Solo says this twice to Chewbacca as stormtroopers attack [1:17:12].

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Clone Wars - S6E8 - "The Disappeared: Part 1"

2:22 - Mace Windu (about Jar Jar's going to Barotta alone):  "I think that course of action is unwise."  Queen Amidala uses the phrase "course of action" in The Phantom Menace:  "I will not condone a course of action that will lead us to war" [9:51].

2:54 - Mace Windu (to Jar Jar as he reaches toward the ship's controls):  "Do not touch anything."  Qui-Gon also tells him this in Watto's shop in The Phantom Menace:  "Don't touch anything" [32:16].

4:50 - Jar Jar (to Queen Julia):  "Yes, yes, dat is the truth.  Masterin Mace is meesa humble servant."  This phrase appears twice in The Phantom Menace:  after Qui-Gon saves him, Jar Jar says, "Meesa your humble servant" [11:31], and later, in her plea to Boss Nass, Queen Amidala says, "We are your humble servants" [1:41:14].

9:28 - Mace Windu (to Jar Jar):  "You are jeopardizing the mission."  Luke says something similar in Return of the Jedi:  "I'm endangering the mission; I shouldn't have come" [55:48].

15:26 - Jar Jar (to Dagoyan Master Joseph):  "Whosa yousa, sir?"  He also asks, "Whosa are yousa?" (to Padmé) in The Phantom Menace [29:00]

16:17 - Jar Jar:  "It's not meesa fault!"  "It's not my fault" also appears three times in The Empire Strikes Back.  Han [1:07:00 and 1:07:02] and Lando [1:56:52] both say this when the Millennium Falcon's hyperdrive doesn't work.  Han also says, "It's not my fault" in Return of the Jedi as he's explaining to Jabba why he didn't pay him [20:26], and in A New Hope, C-3PO, speaking to Luke after R2 disappears, has a similar line:  "It wasn't my fault, sir" [26:21].

17:00 Jar Jar (to Queen Julia):  "Meesa here to rescue yousa."  Luke says the same thing to Leia in A New Hope:  "I'm Luke Skywalker; I'm here to rescue you" [1:16:09].

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Clone Wars - S6E7 - "Crisis at the Heart"

5:09 - Count Dooku (to Clovis, after he refuses to raise interest rates on the Republic's loans):  "Oh, but you can, and you will, or everything that you fought so hard for will be destroyed."  There's some similarity here with what Queen Amidala tells Boss Nass in The Phantom Menace:  "The Trade Federation has destroyed all that we have worked so hard to build" [1:41:02].

6:07 - Senator Meena Tills:  "And what of the Separatists?"  There are similarly constructed questions in Revenge of the Sith (Obi-Wan asks Yoda, "And what of the boy?" [2:09:21]), A New Hope (General Tagge asks Tarkin, "And what of the rebellion?" [37:42]) and Return of the Jedi (Vader asks Palpatine, "What of the reports of the rebel fleet massing near Sullust?" [53:57]).

7:12 - Count Dooku (to a tactical droid):  "You may begin your attack."  This is somewhat similar to what General Veers tells Darth Vader in The Empire Strikes Back:  "You may start your landing" [28:17].

7:59 - Commander Thorn (to Padmé):  "We can't get to you."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Han Solo also says this after a passage in Echo Base collapses during the Imperial assault:  "Transport, this is Solo.  Better take off; I can't get to ya; I'll get her [Leia] out on the Falcon" [33:53].

10:55 - Count Dooku (to Padmé):  "Either you're with us or you're against us."  While the specific words are different, this is the same sentiment that Anakin expresses (to Obi-Wan) in Revenge of the Sith:  "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy" [1:47:31].  As Obi-Wan replies, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes."

11:19 - Clovis (to Dooku):  "This was not part of the deal."  This is somewhat similar to what Lando tells Vader in The Empire Strikes Back:  "That was never a condition of our agreement nor was giving Han to this bounty hunter" [1:31:10].

11:36 - Clovis (to Padmé, trying to explain his situation):  "There was nothing I could do."  Two similar lines occur in A New Hope.  When Luke returns to Obi-Wan after finding his aunt and uncle murdered, Obi-Wan says, "There's nothing you could have done, Luke, had you been there" [42:02], and after Vader cuts down Obi-Wan, Leia tells Luke, "There wasn't anything you could have done" [1:33:52].

12:16 - Senator Mot-Not Rab:  "We are doomed!"  C-3PO says "We're doomed" twice (both times to R2) in A New Hope [3:04, 16:02], once (to Han, Leia, and Chewbacca) in The Empire Strikes Back [1:00:38], and once (to R2) in Return of the Jedi [10:03].

12:27 - Palpatine (to the Senate):  "We shall commence a mercy mission to Scipio, to be led by General Anakin Skywalker."  Darth Vader also uses the phrase "mercy mission" in A New Hope when he says to Leia, "You weren't on any mercy mission this time" [7:47].

12:40 - In his address to the Senate, Palpatine briefly raises both arms.  While the framing is a bit different, he also does this in Revenge of the Sith [1:36:07]:

16:09 - Tactical droid (after Dooku commands him to leave behind the forces still on Scipio):  "As you wish, Count Dooku."  The phrase "As you wish" occurs a number of times in the original trilogy:  in A New Hope, Vader says it after Tarkin asks him to release General Motti from his Force choke [38:45]; in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett says it after Vader warns the bounty hunters against disintegrations [1:06:22]; in Return of the Jedi, Vader says it twice more in conversations with the Emperor [39:16 and 1:07:38], and Admiral Piett says it to Vader ("As you wish, my lord") [56:13].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray says, "As you wish" at the end of a conversation with Darth Sidious [5:04], and in Revenge of the Sith, Captain Typho says, "As you wish, my lady," to Padmé [1:41:23].

17:57 - Anakin:  "It's over, Clovis."  Obi-Wan also says this, albeit to Anakin, in Revenge of the Sith:  "It's over, Anakin!" [1:59:17].

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Clone Wars - S6E6 - "The Rise of Clovis"

1:11 - Nix Card (acquiesing to Clu Lesser's declaration that "any future disruptions will be placed upon your shoulders):  "As you wish."  The phrase "As you wish" occurs a number of times in the original trilogy:  in A New Hope, Vader says it after Tarkin asks him to release General Motti from his Force choke [38:45]; in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett says it after Vader warns the bounty hunters against disintegrations [1:06:22]; in Return of the Jedi, Vader says it twice more in conversations with the Emperor [39:16 and 1:07:38], and Admiral Piett says it to Vader ("As you wish, my lord") [56:13].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray says, "As you wish" at the end of a conversation with Darth Sidious [5:04], and in Revenge of the Sith, Captain Typho says, "As you wish, my lady," to Padmé [1:41:23].

2:26 - Darth Sidious (to Nix Card):  "You will be protected; I can assure you."  As Palpatine, he uses similar expressions talking to Mace Windu and addressing the senate in Revenge of the Sith ("And I assure you, the senate will vote to continue the war as long as Grievous is alive" [25:12] and "But I assure you, my resolve has never been stronger!" [1:35:16]) and talking to Luke in Return of the Jedi ("I assure you we are quite safe from your friends here" [1:32:08]).  Qui-Gon also uses the expression in The Phantom Menace; after Queen Amidala says that Senator Palpatine fears the Trade Federation wants to destroy her, he replies, "I assure you I will not allow that to happen" [1:36:33].

6:56 - Darth Tyrannus (to Darth Sidious):  "Of course, my lord, as you wish."  An-other "as you wish."

7:05 - In his room, Anakin has a model of a Jedi starfighter, and it has a tripod stand that's similar to that of Luke's skyhopper model in A New Hope:

16:21 - Clovis (to the medical droid after it says someone wants to speak to him):  "What are you talking about?"  This line appears three times in A New Hope:  twice, C-3PO asks R2-D2, "What are you talking about?" [6:51 and 9:47], and later, in response to Luke's urge to rescue Leia, Han Solo asks, "What are you talkin' about?" [1:11:03].  In Attack of the Clones, Anakin also asks Padmé, "What are you talking about?" [1:43:07].

18:17 - Clovis (after a Muun says, "We are indebted to Rush Clovis for his service to our people"):  "Well, I have done only what I thought was right."  This is similar to what Obi-Wan counsels Luke in A New Hope:  "You must do what you feel is right, of course" [36:48].

18:46 - Padmé (to Clovis):  "Good luck."  In The Empire Strikes Back, an unidentified Rebel pilot wishes Luke good luck [36:02] and Luke wishes Lando good luck [2:00:09], and in Return of the Jedi, Han and Lando wish each other good luck [Han to Lando at 50:33 and Lando to Han at 52:21].

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Clone Wars - S6E5 - "An Old Friend"

4:06 - Clovis (to Padmé):  "I need your help."  Queen Amidala says the same thing to Jar Jar in The Phantom Menace ("I need your help" [1:37:55]); Obi-Wan to Padmé in Revenge of the Sith ("Padmé, I need your help" [1:38:44]); and Obi-Wan to Luke in A New Hope ("I need your help, Luke.  She [Leia] needs your help." [36:03]).

4:11 - Clovis (after Padmé says, "Last time you needed my help, I ended up poisoned, and you did nothing"):  "That's not true."  Luke says the same thing in The Empire Strikes Back when Vader tells him about his father:  "That's not true.  That's impossible." [1:51:21].

6:50 - Palpatine (to Padmé, about Clovis):  "Perhaps then, in this scenario, it would be best for you to trust an old friend and do what he suggests."  The phrase "old friend" is also used in Attack of the Clones (where Palpatine suggests "an old friend, like Master Kenobi" to protect Padmé [6:34] and Count Dooku calls Mace Windu "my old Jedi friend" [1:50:24] and just "old friend" [1:56:05]), in Revenge of the Sith (where Obi-Wan says, "Goodbye, old friend" to Anakin as he leaves for Utapau [51:13] and Yoda refers to Qui-Gon as "an old friend" [2:09:56]), in A New Hope (where Leia sarcastically says, "We, uh, ran into some old friends" when Han asks her and Luke where they've been [1:31:33]), in The Empire Strikes Back (where Yoda says that through the Force, Luke will see "Old friends long gone" [1:17:05]), and in Return of the Jedi (where Luke says, "I have a promise to keep to an old friend" [37:37] and Han calls C-3PO "an old friend of mine" [1:11:53]).

12:43 - Muun:  "What happened to the lights?  I can't see a thing."  Obi-Wan says the same thing in Revenge of the Sith, after the cockpit of his starfighter fogs over ("I can't see a thing" [6:11]), and Luke says the same thing in A New Hope about his stormtrooper disguise ("I can't see a thing in this helmet!" [1:13:17]) and in The Empire Strikes Back while entering Dagobah's atmosphere in his X-wing ("All the scopes are dead; I can't see a thing" [41:09]).

12:51 - Muun (talking about the downed electrical system):  "Power has been cut, and the security lock is engaged.  It will take some time to switch over."  Speaking about Leia, Vader uses a similar expression in A New Hope:  "Her resistance to the mind probe is considerable; it will be some time before we can extract any information from her" [51:15].

13:26 - Mak Plain:  "Where is the senator?"
Clu Lesser:  "We got separated in the darkness."
Padmé:  "I'm here."

There are similarities here to two scenes in Return of the Jedi.  On Endor, Han asks Luke, "Where's Leia?" and Luke explains that "We got separated" [1:02:15], and earlier, in Jabba's palace, after Han asks, "Where Leia?" she replies, "I'm here" [28:41].

14:35 - Nix Card (to Muun guards who arrest Padmé):  "Take her away."  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray commands, "Take him away," to a pair of battle droids, referring to Sio Bibble [1:18:19], and in Attack of the Clone, Jango Fett says, "Take him away" to battle droids, referring to Anakin [1:42:30].

14:44 - Padmé:  "I have powerful friends."  Leia says almost the same thing to Jabba in Return of the Jedi:  "We have powerful friends" [21:02].

15:07 - Muun (to Anakin):  "This way, Master Jedi."  This same direction is given in The Phantom Menace (by TC-14 to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan:  "This way, please" [2:45]) and in Attack of the Clones (Taun We to Obi-Wan:  "Now, please, this way" [42:07]).

15:14 - There are two visual references to A New Hope in this shot:

Anakin's silhouette on the wall resembles that of Darth Vader, and Padmé's pose is similar to that of Leia on the Death Star [1:15:58]:

15:19 - Padme:  "Ani, I'm so glad to see you."  Luke uses a similar expression in A New Hope:  "Ben Kenobi?  Boy, am I glad to see you!" [30:35]

21:20 - Darth Sidious (to Embo, referring to Anakin, Padmé, and Clovis):  "From this point, I will deal with them myself."   In Revenge of the Sith, General Grievous says, "I will deal with this Jedi slime myself," referring to Obi-Wan [58:03], and in Return of the Jedi, Vader says, "I will deal with them myself," referring to the Rebel strike force [56:10].


At 16:07, there's a brief musical cue of the Imperial March as Anakin becomes upset after Padmé mentions Clovis.