Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Clone Wars - S6E13 - "Sacrifice"

13:18 - Anakin (to Yoda):  "We intercepted a transmission calling Dooku to Coruscant."  This line contains the same words that are used in Vader's interrogation of Captain Antilles in A New Hope [5:44].  Vader asks, "Where are those transmissions you intercepted?  What have you done with those plans?" to which Antilles replies, "We intercepted no transmissions."

15:10 - Anakin's encounter with Dooku ends the same way as that in Revenge of the Sith, although the framing doesn't quite match:

19:30 - Force priestess:  "There is another Skywalker."  In Return of the Jedi, Yoda says this to Luke [44:25].


At 20:54, there's a musical cue of Yoda's theme.