Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Attack of the Clones

6:24 - Chancellor Palpatine (to Padmé):  "I realize all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but perhaps someone you're familiar with, an old friend, like Mastor Kenobi."  The phrase "old friend" is also used in A New Hope (where Leia sarcastically says, "We, uh, ran into some old friends" when Han asks her and Luke where they've been [1:31:33]), in The Empire Strikes Back (where Yoda says that through the Force, Luke will see "Old friends long gone" [1:17:05]), and in Return of the Jedi (where Luke says, "I have a promise to keep to an old friend" [37:37] and Han calls C-3PO "an old friend of mine" [1:11:53]).

15:08 - Alien in traffic (seeing Obi-Wan hanging from a droid):  "What the?"  Han Solo also says this in A New Hope after emerging from hyperspace into a meteor shower [1:03:15], and in Return of the Jedi, a scout trooper says this after being hit by Wicket [1:05:38].

15:18 - An-other alien in traffic, also reacting to Obi-Wan:  "Jedi poodoo!"  Sebulba also says, "Poodoo!" in The Phantom Menace after his podracer crashes [1:09:20].

17:08 - Obi-Wan:  "Pull up, Anakin, pull up!"  Biggs gives this instruction to Luke and to Porkins in A New Hope ("Luke, pull up!" [1:46:42] and "Pull up!" [1:47:22]); and Lando says it in Return of the Jedi ("Pull up!  All craft, pull up!" [1:34:48]).

21:49 - Obi-Wan (to Anakin):  "Patience.  Use the Force.  Think."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda and Obi-Wan also counsel Luke with, "Patience!" [Yoda at 54:36 and 55:03; Obi-Wan at 1:24:18], and in Return of the Jedi, the Emperor advises Vader:  "Patience, my friend" [38:57].  Obi-Wan also says, "Use the Force, Luke" in A New Hope [1:55:32].

22:04 - Obi-Wan (to Anakin):  "Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"  In A New Hope, his feeling proves to be true [1:32:21].

23:44 - Obi-Wan cuts off Zam Wesell's arm at the bar, which, depending on your point of view, either foreshadows or echoes what he does in the cantina in A New Hope [46:58].

34:55 - Cooking droid (to R2-D2):  "Hey, you, no droids!  Get out of here."  While the specific dialogue isn't very similar, this is the same antagonism shown to the droids in the cantina in A New Hope:  "Hey, we don't serve their kind here. ... Your droids, they'll have to wait outside; we don't want them here." [45:36].

36:06 - Yoda (to a group of Jedi younglings training with lightsabers):  "Reach out; sense the Force around you; use your feelings you must."  Obi-Wan gives similar advice to Luke as he's training with a lightsaber in A New Hope:  "Stretch out with your feelings" [1:01:57].

36:55 - Yoda (to the younglings):  "Clear your minds."  He also gives this instruction to Luke in The Empire Strikes Back:  "Clear your mind of questions" [1:02:13].

42:07 - Taun We (to Obi-Wan):  "Now, please, this way."  TC-14 gives a similar direction to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace:  "This way, please" [2:45].

50:02 - Padmé:  "Ani, are you alright?"  In The Phantom Menace, Anakin asks Qui-Gon, "Are you alright?" [1:17:31] and Padmé asks Anakin, "You alright?" [1:19:06].  In A New Hope, Luke asks Obi-Wan, "Are you alright?" [59:16] and Biggs asks Luke [1:46:44], and in The Empire Strikes Back, Luke asks, "Rogue Two, are you alright?" [30:31].  Twice in The Empire Strikes Back, Han asks this with a shortened "You alright?" once to Luke [22:12] and once to Leia [31:39].

57:35 - Obi-Wan (to Yoda and Mace Windu):  "I have a strong feeling that this bounty hunter is the assassin we're looking for."  This is similar to what he says to the Imperial troops in A New Hope:  "These aren't the droids you're looking for" [43:40].

59:17 - Anakin's pose here is the same as Vader's in The Empire Strikes Back [20:27]:

1:03:23 - Jango Fett hits his head on the door of Slave I as he enters.  In A New Hope, a stormtrooper also hits his head on a door in the Death Star [1:22:18].

1:08:22 - Obi-Wan:  "Blast!  This is why I hate flying!"  Luke says, "Blast!" twice in A New Hope:  after R2-D2 disappears ("Blast it!" [26:49]) and when a TIE fighter is behind him during the Battle of Yavin ("Blast it, Biggs, where are you?" [1:49:09]).

1:13:42 - Owen (to Anakin as he gets up to leave):  "Where are you going?"  In A New Hope, Beru asks Luke this, and they're even in the same location, the dining area of the moisture farm homestead [25:09].

1:21:22 - Yoda (sensing Anakin's slaughter of the Tusken raiders):  "Something terrible has happened."  This is also how Obi-Wan describes the destruction of Alderaan in A New Hope:  "I feel something terrible has happened" [59:27].  In the scene in Attack of the Clones and a bit later when Anakin tells Padmé what he's done, there are also brief quotations of the Imperial march.

1:26:05 - Anakin:  "I'm a Jedi."  The context is different, but Luke also says, "I am a Jedi" in Return of the Jedi [1:54:15].

1:27:54 - C-3PO (referring to R2):  "It seems that he is carrying a message from an Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Master Ani, does that name mean anything to you?"  In Return of the Jedi, Vader uses the same diction when Luke brings up the name Anakin:  "That name no longer has any meaning for me" [1:23:51].

1:31:02 - Count Dooku (upon seeing Obi-Wan imprisoned):  "Oh no, my friend.  This is a mistake, a terrible mistake; they've gone too far; this is madness."  C-3PO also exclaims, "This is madness!" in A New Hope [2:52].

1:33:07 - Dooku:  "You must join me, Obi-Wan, and together we will destroy the Sith!"
Obi-Wan:  "I will never join you, Dooku."

Vader makes a similar entreaty to Luke in The Empire Strikes Back:  "Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son" [1:51:45].  A bit earlier in the conversation, Luke's reply is the same as Obi-Wan's:  "I'll never join you!" [1:50:52]

1:35:40 - Anakin (after Padmé points out exhaust vents where they can land the ship):  "That'll do."  Han makes a similar comment, also about a landing spot, in The Empire Strikes Back:  "Yeah, that'll do nicely" [40:11].

1:36:02 - Anakin (to Padmé):  "Don't worry; I've given up trying to argue with you."  "Don't worry" also appears in A New Hope (Obi-Wan tells R2-D2, "Oh, don't worry; he'll be alright," referring to Luke [30:17], and Han tells Leia, "Don't worry; she'll hold together," referring to the Millennium Falcon [1:34:57]) and The Empire Strikes Back (Han tells Leia, "Don't worry" [1:20:04]).

1:42:30 - Jango (to battle droids, referring to Anakin):  "Take him away."  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray also commands, "Take him away," to a pair of battle droids, referring to Sio Bibble [1:18:19].

1:43:07 - Anakin (to Padmé):  "What are you talking about?"  This line appears three times in A New Hope:  twice, C-3PO asks R2-D2, "What are you talking about?" [6:51 and 9:47], and later, in response to Luke's urge to rescue Leia, Han Solo asks, "What are you talkin' about?" [1:11:03].

1:45:57 - Anakin:  "I've got a bad feeling about this."

1:46:25 - Obi-Wan (to Anakin):  "Just relax.  Concentrate."  Yoda also advises Luke with "Concentrate" in The Empire Strikes Back [1:08:40 and 1:16:38].

1:49:27 - Dooku (to Gunray, referring to Padmé):  "Patience, Viceroy, patience; she will die."  See above, 21:49.

1:50:21 - Dooku (to Windu):  "Brave but foolish, my old Jedi friend."  See above, 6:24.

1:53:41 - C-3PO:  "I'm terribly sorry about all this!"  He uses the same expression in The Empire Strikes Back, apologizing to Lando about Chewbacca ("I'm terribly sorry about all this, after all, he's only a Wookiee" [1:42:41]) and in Return of the Jedi, when he runs into R2-D2 on Jabba's sail barge ("I'm terribly sorry" [30:49]).

1:56:03 - Dooku (after Windu refuses to surrender):  "Then, I'm sorry, old friend."  See above, 6:24.

2:02:03 - Yoda (to the clones):  "Concentrate all your fire on the nearest starship."  Admiral Ackbar gives a similar command in Return of the Jedi:  "Concentrate all fire on that Super Star Destroyer" [1:58:43].

2:05:54 - Clone trooper (to Padmé):  "Are you alright?"  See above, 50:02.