Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Attack of the Clones

Near the end of the conversation that Anakin and Padmé have while she's packing in her apartment, she tells him, "Anakin, don't try to grow up too fast."  When he replies, "But I am grown up," he stands up, as if to prove his point by showing that he's taller than she is.


Jocasta Nu's insistence that "if an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist!" is an example of what Yoda comments on in an earlier scene, after Obi-Wan remarks on Anakin's arrogance:  "A flaw more and more common among Jedi.  Too sure of themselves they are, even the older, more experienced ones."


When Darth Tyrannus meets Darth Sidious near the end of the movie, he greets him with, "The Force is with us, Master Sidious."  Unless I'm mistaken, this is the closest that any Sith gets to saying, "May the Force be with you" in the entire series.  That none of them say this is an indication of the character of the Sith.  As Palpatine explains in Revenge of the Sith, "All who gain power are afraid to lose it."  The Sith want to keep the power of the Force for themselves, so they don't wish it upon others.