Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Rebels - S1E7 - "Empire Day"

2:28 - In the interior of Old Jho's Pit Stop there's an-other use of the hexagonal pattern seen in the homestead garage in Attack of the Clones and A New Hope:

8:58 - Stormtrooper (to Ezra and Kanan):  "Move along."  In A New Hope, a sandtrooper says the same thing when, prompted by Obi-Wan's influence through the Force, he directs Luke into Mos Eisley:  "Move along.  Move along." [43:51].

15:54 - Commandant Aresko:  "That's far enough, rebel scum."  An Imperial officer delivers the same insult in Return of the Jedi:  "You rebel scum" [1:33:51].

16:10 - Kanan (to Sabine, who's driving the Imperial transport):  "Punch it!"  Han also says this to Chewbacca in The Empire Strikes Back [35:35].

20:44 - Zeb (referring to Chopper):  "Is that scrap heap even paying attention?"  In A New Hope, C-3PO similarly insults R2-D2 and calls him a "nearsighted scrap pile" [9:56].