Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Rebels - S1E10 - "Idiot's Array"

1:07 - Kanan (to Zeb, telling him to bet Chopper):  "Do it!"  Palpatine says the same thing when he urges Anakin to kill Count Dooku in Revenge of the Sith [14:22].

2:17 - Hera:  "What's the cargo?"
Lando:  "I was told no questions asked."

The same expressions appear in an exchange in A New Hope [48:22] where Han Solo asks Obi-Wan Kenobi, "What's the cargo?" and Obi-Wan replies, "Only passengers:  myself, the boy, two droids, and no questions asked."

9:13 - Azmorigan (to his guards):  "Leave us!"  Palpatine has similar lines twice in the movies:  "Leave us" to his entourage at the opera in Revenge of the Sith [43:44] and "Guards, leave us" to the Imperial guards in Return of the Jedi [1:30:55].

13:20 - Imperial officer:  "This Corellian ship matches the description of the rebel craft we've been looking for."  This is somewhat similar to what an-other Imperial officer says of the Millennium Falcon in A New Hope:  "We've captured a freighter entering the remains of the Alderaan system; its marking match those of a ship that blasted its way out of Mos Eisley" [1:05:58].  The "we've been looking for" may be a nod to Obi-Wan's famous "These aren't the droids you're looking for," also in A New Hope [43:39].

20:13 - Hera (after Lando offers to return Chopper as his payment):  "That won't satisfy your debt to me, not after what you pulled."  Lando uses the same expression in The Empire Strikes Back when he tells Han, "You got a lot of guts coming here after what you pulled." [1:20:30]