Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Clone Wars - S2E14 - "Duchess of Mandalore"

0:18 - Narrator:  "A diplomatic mission!"  Like I mentioned two episodes ago, the phrase "diplomatic mission" occurs a couple times in A New Hope.  Captain Antilles tells Vader that "We're on a diplomatic mission" [5.55], and later Leia tells him, "I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan" [7:58].

3:30 - Deputy Minister Jerec:  "The actions by our government have taken us into a period of civil war."  (He says this in both the falsified recording and the unaltered one at 18:16.)  The phrase "a period of civil war" also appears in the opening crawl of A New Hope:  "It is a period of civil war."

4:59 - Satine (to Palpatine):  "You will turn our planet into a military target, which will bring the war to us."  Tarkin also uses the phrase "a military target" in A New Hope when he's talking to Leia:  "You would prefer another target?  A military target?  Then name the system!" [58:12].


In both the episode trivia and the featurette for this episode on the Star Wars website, it's noted that the Coruscant plaza is based on a Ralph McQuarrie painting.
