Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The Clone Wars - S2E15 - "Senate Murders"

0:37 - An-other reuse of a shot originally from "Rookies" (S1E5) that copies a shot near the end of Attack of the Clones [2:13:51]:

1:55 - Padmé:  "'Exciting' isn't exactly the word I would use."  C-3PO has a similar line in Return of the Jedi:  "'Exciting' is hardly the word I would choose" [51:29].

4:17 - Padmé:  "Committing more troops to the front lines will not allow diplomacy to resume."  Padmé uses a similar phrase in Revenge of the Sith when she says to Anakin, "Now you're closer to the Chancellor than anyone.  Please, ask him to stop the fighting and let diplomacy resume." [41:55].

9:19 - Senator Organa:  "We should double our efforts on the vote."  Moff Jerjerrod also uses this expression in Return of the Jedi:  "We shall double our efforts" [4:38].

15:39 - Senator Organa:  "If we hurry, we might still be able to catch Deechi before he leaves the Senate."  Perhaps coincidentally, this bears some resemblance to C-3PO's ruse in A New Hope where he tells some stormtroopers:  "They're mad men!  They're heading for the prison level; if you hurry, you might catch them!" [1:22:27].