Tuesday, March 1, 2022

The Clone Wars - S2E17 - "Bounty Hunters"

16:26 - Hondo:  "But you know what I always say:  speak softly and drive a big tank."  This seems to be patterned after Theodore Roosevelt's "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

18:37 - Hondo:  "Die, Jedi scum!"  C-3PO (with his head on the body of a battle droid) has a similar line in Attack of the Clones:  "Die, Jedi dogs!" [1:53:27].  Insults involving scum also appear in The Phantom Menace (before the podrace, Sebulba tells Anakin in Huttese, "You won't walk away from this one, you slave scum" [57:20]), Revenge of the Sith (General Grievous calls Anakin "Jedi scum" [19:12]), The Empire Strikes Back (Admiral Piett remarks, "Bounty hunters!?  We don't need their scum." [1:05:52]), and Return of the Jedi (an Imperial officer says, "You rebel scum" [1:33:51]).