Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Clone Wars - S5E7 - "A Test of Strength"

0:40 - Narrator:  "Now, having passed the test, they take their first step into a larger world."  Speaking to Luke, Obi-Wan uses the same expression in A New Hope:  "You've taken your first step into a larger world" [1:02:36].

3:19 -  Huyang (to Gungi):  "Concentrate."  Yoda also says this (to Luke) in The Empire Strikes Back [1:08:40 and 1:16:38].

7:11 - Ahsoka (to R2):  "Get us out of here."  In A New Hope, Han Solo also says this (to Chewbacca):  "Chewie, get us outta here!" [55:26].

14:00 - Petro (after a pirate asks the younglings to hand over their crystals):  "Over my dead body."  Han Solo uses this same expression in A New Hope [50:42].

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Clone Wars - S5E6 - "The Gathering"

1:29 - Petro (about the prospect of building a lightsaber):  "That is so wizard!"  Anakin's friend Kitster uses the same expression in The Phantom Menace:  "This is so wizard, Ani!" [54:25].

9:11 - Zatt (to Katooni):  "Good luck."
10:09 - Ganodi:  "Good luck, Gungi."

In The Empire Strikes Back, an unidentified Rebel pilot wishes Luke good luck [36:02] and Luke wishes Lando good luck [2:00:09], and in Return of the Jedi, Han and Lando wish each other good luck [Han to Lando at 50:33 and Lando to Han at 52:21].

11:15 - Ganodi (after she falls through a hole in the floor):  "Now what?"  Han Solo also wonders, "Now what!?" during Princess Leia's rescue in A New Hope [1:18:11].

11:47 - Petro (after what he thought was his crystal melts):  "But that's impossible."  The context is quite different, but in The Empire Strikes Back, Luke also says, "That's impossible" [1:51:21].

11:52 - Yoda:  "So certain were you?"  In The Empire Strikes Back, he says almost the same thing to Luke after Luke complains that he and R2 will never get his X-wing out of the swamp:  "So certain are you?" [1:09:00].

12:35 - Zatt (about his scanner):  "That's impossible.  It's saying there's crystals everywhere, but I can't see anything."  An-other use of "That's impossible."

15:03 - Ganodi:  "I'm not afraid.  I can do this; I'm a Jedi."  Luke says two of these lines in the original trilogy:  "I'm not afraid" in The Empire Strikes Back [57:22] and "I am a Jedi" in Return of the Jedi [1:54:15].  Anakin also says, "I'm a Jedi" in Attack of the Clones [1:26:05].

15:39 - Petro:  "I'm running out of time."  Qui-Gon has a similar line in The Phantom Menace:  "Either way, we're running out of time" [40:07].

20:03 - Katooni (to Petro):  "I knew you'd come back."  At the end of A New Hope, Luke also says this to Han:  "I knew you'd come back; I just knew it" [1:57:54].

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Clone Wars - S5E5 - "Tipping Points"

2:26 - Battle droid (after an Onderon citizen smashes a fruit on an-other battle droid's head):  "What the?"  In Attack of the Clones, an alien on Coruscant makes this same exclamation as he sees Obi-Wan flying through traffic while hanging from a droid [15:08]; Han Solo says it in A New Hope after emerging from hyperspace into a meteor shower [1:03:15], and in Return of the Jedi, a scout trooper says this after being hit by Wicket [1:05:38].

3:48 - General Tandin (acquiescing to King Dendup's declaration that Steela is now the commanding general):  "As you wish, my lord."  The phrase "As you wish" occurs a number of times in the original trilogy:  in A New Hope, Vader says it after Tarkin asks him to release General Motti from his Force choke [38:45]; in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett says it after Vader warns the bounty hunters against disintegrations [1:06:22]; in Return of the Jedi, Vader says it twice more in conversations with the Emperor [39:16 and 1:07:38], and Admiral Piett says it to Vader, matching Tandin's line exactly:  "As you wish, my lord" [56:13].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray says, "As you wish" at the end of a conversation with Darth Sidious [5:04], and in Revenge of the Sith, Captain Typho says, "As you wish, my lady," to Padmé [1:41:23].

5:22 - Kalani (to King Rash):  "Do not underestimate our means."  Warnings against underestimation occur twice in Return of the Jedi.  Luke tells Jabba, "It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers" [24:26], and later Yoda tells Luke, "Luke, do not, do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor" [43:31].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray advises a battle droid, "These Jedi are not to be underestimated" [10:43], and in A New Hope, Vader tells Tarkin, "Don't underestimate the Force" [1:16:33].

12:26 - Ahsoka (to Lux):  "I'll do all I can to protect you, but I can't fight this war for you."  This echoes what Qui-Gon says to Queen Amidala in The Phantom Menace:  "And I can only protect you; I can't fight a war for you" [1:37:45].  Obi-Wan also says something similar a few episodes before this one.

12:38 - Ahsoka (as Hondo's ship arrives):  "Looks like we have company."  Han uses a similar expression in A New Hope:  "Luke, we're gonna have company!" [1:15:46].

12:51 - Ahsoka (to the rebels):  "Don't shoot!"  C-3PO also says, "Don't shoot!  Don't shoot!" (to Jawas) in A New Hope [16:26].

15:04 - Lux (after Ahsoka comments that Steela leads by example):  "What good will that do us if she gets herself killed?"  In A New Hope, Luke makes almost the same remark after Leia comments on Han's courage:  "What good will it do us if he gets himself killed?" [1:27:25].

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The Clone Wars - S5E4 - "The Soft War"

0:20 - Narrator:  "With their training complete, Obi-Wan and Anakin have left Ahsoka on Onderon to monitor and advise the rebels as they continue to strike Separatist targets under the command of Steela Gerrera."  Vader uses a similar expression in The Empire Strikes Back when he tells Luke, "Join me, and I will complete your training" [1:50:39], and the Emperor uses it in Return of the Jedi (also speaking to Luke):  "I am looking forward to completing your training" [1:31:04].

7:15 - Steela:  "And rescuing him [King Dendup] will, will not be easy."  In A New Hope, General Dodonna uses the same expression while describing the plan of attack against the Death Star:  "The approach will not be easy" [1:40:08].

7:20 - Steela:  "Lux, please don't look at me like that."  In Attack of the Clones, Padmé says the same thing (to Anakin):  "Please don't look at me like that" [29:31].

7:49 - Obi-Wan:  "I sense fear in you, Ahsoka."  Yoda says almost the same thing to Anakin in The Phantom Menace:  "I sense much fear in you" [1:30:51].

8:04 - Obi-Wan:  "Do not underestimate the king's power."  Warnings against underestimation occur twice in Return of the Jedi.  Luke tells Jabba, "It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers" [24:26], and later Yoda tells Luke, "Luke, do not, do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor" [43:31].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray advises a battle droid, "These Jedi are not to be underestimated" [10:43], and in A New Hope, Vader tells Tarkin, "Don't underestimate the Force" [1:16:33].