Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Rebels - S2E4 - "Relics of the Old Republic"

0:41 - Zeb (to Rex, after Ezra asks if he's sure he won't go with them):  "Yeah, you're not bad in a fight."  Han similarly describes Luke in A New Hope:  "Pretty good in a fight" [1:41:43].

1:18 - The framing of this shot is similar to one near the beginning of A New Hope [2:14], although The Ghost is just idling and facing the opposite direction as the Tantive IV:

1:36 - Hera (to the rebels):  "Good luck down there."  In The Empire Strikes Back, an unidentified Rebel pilot wishes Luke good luck [36:02] and Luke wishes Lando good luck [2:00:09], and in Return of the Jedi, Han and Lando wish each other good luck [Han to Lando at 50:33 and Lando to Han at 52:21].

4:19 - Sabine (after Gregor says the clones haven't been shot at in years):  "Yeah?  Well, it happens to us every day."  There's some similarity here to what Indiana Jones says in The Last Crusade after his father tells him that someone trying to kill him is a new experience for him:  "Happens to me all the time" [1:18:43].

5:18 - Agent Kallus (to Admiral Konstatine):  "Prepare for ground assault."  General Rieekan also says this in The Empire Strikes Back [22:42].

6:48 - Gregor (about the AT-ATs):  "Would you look at the size of those things!"  Wedge makes almost the same comment about the Death Star in A New Hope:  "Look at the size of that thing!" [1:45:53]

7:10 - Rex (after Kanan criticizes him for running from the AT-ATs):  "Well, if you've got a better idea, sir, now's the time."  Obi-Wan says something similar while speaking to Tion Medon in Revenge of the Sith:  "If you have warriors, now is the time" [55:19].

7:41 - Kallus (to the AT-AT pilot):  "Fire at will."  Palpatine gives the same command in Return of the Jedi:  "Fire at will, commander" [1:14:37].

9:12 - Sabine (referring to the AT-ATs):  "Those things are practically impervious to blasters, but they have one weak point in their armor:  the neck."
Gregor:  "One well-placed shot from the main gun should destroy it."

There are two similarities here.  In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke says of the AT-ATs, "That armor's too strong for blasters" [27:20].
In A New Hope, General Dodonna says of the Death Star, "A small, one-man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defense" [1:39:43].

9:50 - Zeb:  "I don't know how we're supposed to shoot something we can't see."  There's some connection here to Luke's comment in A New Hope:  "With the blast shield down, I can't even see; how'm I supposed to fight?" [1:01:41]

14:49 - Rex (to Ezra):  "Great shot, kid!"  Han says the same thing to Luke at the end of A New Hope:  "Great shot, kid!  That was one in a million!"  [1:57:20].

16:48 - Kallus:  "Intensify forward firepower!"  Admiral Piett says the same thing in Return of the Jedi [1:59:00].