Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Rebels - S2E9 - "Stealth Strike"

0:11 - Ezra:  "Well, we're coming up on the last known position of our missing patrol."  In A New Hope, Han uses the same expression when he says, "Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan" [1:02:27].

1:09 - Commander Sato:  "Send a distress signal, now!"  Vader gives the same command in A New Hope:  "Send a distress signal, and then inform the Senate that all aboard were killed!" [8:24].

2:00 - Sabine:  "If they follow Imperial procedure, the testing zone for this type of ship wouldn't be that large."  Han also mentions Imperial procedure in The Empire Strikes Back:  "Well, if they follow standard Imperial procedure, they'll dump their garbage before they go to lightspeed, and then we just float away" [1:14:53].

5:09 - Kanan (to Rex):  "We're comin' up on Ezra's last known position."  See above, 0:11.

5:15 - The basic composition of this shot is the same as one in Return of the Jedi [54:27]:

5:24 - Rex (to Imperial officer):  "Boy, are we glad to see you."  Luke says the same thing in A New Hope:  "Ben Kenobi?  Boy, am I glad to see you!" [30:35]

6:00 - Rex (to Kanan):  "Trust me; the codes are good."   Han also says, "Trust me" (to Leia) in The Empire Strikes Back [1:20:06].

6:34 - Admiral Brom Titus:  "Agent Kallus, our new gravity weapon reeled in a catch of rebels whom I believe you're familiar with:  Commander Jun Sato and a young one who calls himself Jabba."  In The Empire Strikes Back, an Imperial officer also uses a fishing metaphor when he refers to some incoming rebel ships as "Our first catch of the day" [25:00].

6:53 - Kallus:  "I warn you:  do not underestimate that boy."  Warnings against underestimation occur twice in Return of the Jedi.  Luke tells Jabba, "It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers" [24:26], and later Yoda tells Luke, "Luke, do not, do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor" [43:31].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray advises a battle droid, "These Jedi are not to be underestimated" [10:43], and in A New Hope, Vader tells Tarkin, "Don't underestimate the Force" [1:16:33].

7:48 - Kanan:  "Chopper, plug in and find Ezra and the crew."  Obi-Wan gives the same command to R2-D2 in A New Hope:  "Plug in; you should be able to interpret the entire Imperial network" [1:09:06].

8:43 - Stormtrooper (to Ezra):  "Move along, rebel."  In A New Hope, a sandtrooper says the same thing when, prompted by Obi-Wan's influence through the Force, he directs Luke into Mos Eisley:  "Move along.  Move along." [43:51].

10:26 - Rex (to Ezra):  "So what's your plan?"  In A New Hope, Han asks Luke the same thing:  "What's your plan?" [1:11:56].

12:16 - Ezra (as Chopper explains his plan):  "I'm the bait?"  As Lando explains the Imperial's trap in The Empire Strikes Back, Leia says, "And we're the bait" [1:32:58].

14:03 - Rex (after Kanan criticizes his shooting):  "Ah, this helmet!  I can't see!"  In A New Hope, Luke also complains about the visibility in stormtrooper helmets:  "I can't see a thing in this helmet!" [1:13:17].

14:10 - Still dressed as a stormtrooper, Kanan enters the cell where Commander Sato and the rest of the crew are held in order to rescue them, and although he takes his helmet off as he enters, the situation is still similar to A New Hope, where Luke, also in disguise as a stormtrooper, enters Leia's cell [1:15:57].

14:23 - Kanan (to Rex, who is still exchanging fire with stormtroopers):  "We don't have time for this.  I'll pull; you fire.
Rex:  "Ha, ha, ha, just like old times."

There are two similarities here.  In The Phantom Menace, Padmé also says, "We don't have time for this, Captain" to Panaka while exchanging fire with battle droids [1:52:54], and Biggs says almost the same thing as Rex in A New Hope:  "It'll be like old times, Luke" [1:43:34].

14:51 - Kanan (referring to stormtroopers):  "There's too many of them!"
Rex:  "Ah, I'm too old for all this running."

A rebel pilot says the same thing in Return of the Jedi (referring to TIE fighters):  "There's too many of them" [1:35:13].
In A New Hope, Obi-Wan tells Luke, "I'm getting too old for this sort of thing" [36:06].

15:23 - Imperial officer:  "Cell block AA24 is compromised."  In A New Hope, C-3PO announces that Princess Leia is in "Level 5, detention block AA23" [1:10:50].