Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Rebels - S2E10 - "The Future of the Force"

1:50 - Ahsoka (to Kanan):  "What I have to say is Jedi business."  Anakin also uses this phrase in Attack of the Clones, trying to calm the club patrons after Obi-Wan cuts off Zam Wesell's arm:  "Easy.  Jedi business.  Go back to your drinks." [23:53].

6:10 - At the end of the hallway in the apartment building, there's an-other use of the hexagonal design seen in the homestead garage in Attack of the Clones and A New Hope:

10:33 - Kanan:  "How's the baby?"
Zeb:  "Quiet, for the moment."

C-3PO uses the same expression in A New Hope when Luke asks him if he and R2 are safe:  "For the moment" [1:27:03].

17:02 - This archway is based on a Ralph McQuarrie concept for Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi (the pattern on it is also seen elsewhere in the city; see the side walls in the apartment hallway in the screenshot above):

19:24 - Ahsoka (to Seventh Sister):  "You are beaten."  Vader says this to Luke in The Empire Strikes Back [1:50:02], and the framing a few seconds later in the episode is also somewhat similar to that in The Empire Strikes Back:

20:28 - Ahsoka:  "They're Force sensitive.  I've seen this before.  A Sith lord attempted the same thing back in the Clone Wars, but the Jedi order stopped him."  She's referring to the events of The Clone Wars episode "Children of the Force" (S2E3).