Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Clone Wars - S1E19 - "Storm over Ryloth"

In "Storm over Ryloth," when Anakin contacts the Separatist commander Mar Tuuk and feigns negotiations (claiming that "I've been ordered to surrender myself, the entire crew of this vessel, and my ship in exchange for safe passage of food and medical supplies to the people of Ryloth," although this isn't the case and only he and R2-D2 are on board), his face almost completely fills the Separatists' screen, as if to disguise the fact that there is no crew behind him.

After a scan reveals only one life form, Mar Tuuk realizes that this is a trick and confronts him:  "Skywalker, what treachery is this!?  You have nothing to bargain with!"  He replies, "Heh, in that case, I'll be going.  Oh, you can still have my ship," and as he speaks, he steps backwards.  Since his ruse has been discovered, he no longer needs to hide the fact that his cruiser is empty.