Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Rebels - S2E11 - "Legacy"

5:17 - Kanan (to Ezra):  "Stay in the moment.  Be in this place, at this time."  Although the specific words don't match, this is basically the same advice that Qui-Gon gives in Obi-Wan at the beginning of The Phantom Menace:  "Keep your concentration here and now where it belongs" [3:16].

9:47 - Kanan (to Ezra and Zeb):  "We'll take the long way around."  Padmé says almost the same thing in The Phantom Menace, after Darth Maul arrives and blocks the way:  "We'll take the long way" [1:50:30].

10:07 - Commander Sato:  "We are employing escape plan delta, Captain Syndulla."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke announces the similarly named "Attack pattern delta" [26:44].

12:56 - Sabine (as The Ghost is closing on the tractor beam emitter):  "Almost got it, almost got it."  In A New Hope, Red Leader says something similar as he approaches the target on the Death Star:  "Almost there" [once at 1:52:17 and again at 1:52:29].

13:28 - Commander Sato (once the command ship is free from the tractor beam):  "Get us out of here, now!"  Han also says this in A New Hope:  "Chewie, get us outta here!" [55:26].

16:08 - Ezra (referring to the lothcat he's chasing): "Fast little fuzzball."  Han uses the same moniker in The Empire Strikes Back when he tells Chewbacca, "Laugh it up, fuzzball" [17:26].

17:16 - Ezra:  "Something familiar about this."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke makes a similar comment about Dagobah:  "There's something familiar about this place" [47:12].

17:33 - Ezra:  "X-10?  Hold your fire; we're friends."  The context is quite different, but Obi-Wan also says this to Anakin when he tries to shoot the buzz droids off Obi-Wan's starfighter in Revenge of the Sith:  "Hold your fire!  You're not helping here!" [6:03]

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Rebels - S2E10 - "The Future of the Force"

1:50 - Ahsoka (to Kanan):  "What I have to say is Jedi business."  Anakin also uses this phrase in Attack of the Clones, trying to calm the club patrons after Obi-Wan cuts off Zam Wesell's arm:  "Easy.  Jedi business.  Go back to your drinks." [23:53].

6:10 - At the end of the hallway in the apartment building, there's an-other use of the hexagonal design seen in the homestead garage in Attack of the Clones and A New Hope:

10:33 - Kanan:  "How's the baby?"
Zeb:  "Quiet, for the moment."

C-3PO uses the same expression in A New Hope when Luke asks him if he and R2 are safe:  "For the moment" [1:27:03].

17:02 - This archway is based on a Ralph McQuarrie concept for Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi (the pattern on it is also seen elsewhere in the city; see the side walls in the apartment hallway in the screenshot above):

19:24 - Ahsoka (to Seventh Sister):  "You are beaten."  Vader says this to Luke in The Empire Strikes Back [1:50:02], and the framing a few seconds later in the episode is also somewhat similar to that in The Empire Strikes Back:

20:28 - Ahsoka:  "They're Force sensitive.  I've seen this before.  A Sith lord attempted the same thing back in the Clone Wars, but the Jedi order stopped him."  She's referring to the events of The Clone Wars episode "Children of the Force" (S2E3).

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Rebels - S2E9 - "Stealth Strike"

0:11 - Ezra:  "Well, we're coming up on the last known position of our missing patrol."  In A New Hope, Han uses the same expression when he says, "Looks like we're coming up on Alderaan" [1:02:27].

1:09 - Commander Sato:  "Send a distress signal, now!"  Vader gives the same command in A New Hope:  "Send a distress signal, and then inform the Senate that all aboard were killed!" [8:24].

2:00 - Sabine:  "If they follow Imperial procedure, the testing zone for this type of ship wouldn't be that large."  Han also mentions Imperial procedure in The Empire Strikes Back:  "Well, if they follow standard Imperial procedure, they'll dump their garbage before they go to lightspeed, and then we just float away" [1:14:53].

5:09 - Kanan (to Rex):  "We're comin' up on Ezra's last known position."  See above, 0:11.

5:15 - The basic composition of this shot is the same as one in Return of the Jedi [54:27]:

5:24 - Rex (to Imperial officer):  "Boy, are we glad to see you."  Luke says the same thing in A New Hope:  "Ben Kenobi?  Boy, am I glad to see you!" [30:35]

6:00 - Rex (to Kanan):  "Trust me; the codes are good."   Han also says, "Trust me" (to Leia) in The Empire Strikes Back [1:20:06].

6:34 - Admiral Brom Titus:  "Agent Kallus, our new gravity weapon reeled in a catch of rebels whom I believe you're familiar with:  Commander Jun Sato and a young one who calls himself Jabba."  In The Empire Strikes Back, an Imperial officer also uses a fishing metaphor when he refers to some incoming rebel ships as "Our first catch of the day" [25:00].

6:53 - Kallus:  "I warn you:  do not underestimate that boy."  Warnings against underestimation occur twice in Return of the Jedi.  Luke tells Jabba, "It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers" [24:26], and later Yoda tells Luke, "Luke, do not, do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor" [43:31].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray advises a battle droid, "These Jedi are not to be underestimated" [10:43], and in A New Hope, Vader tells Tarkin, "Don't underestimate the Force" [1:16:33].

7:48 - Kanan:  "Chopper, plug in and find Ezra and the crew."  Obi-Wan gives the same command to R2-D2 in A New Hope:  "Plug in; you should be able to interpret the entire Imperial network" [1:09:06].

8:43 - Stormtrooper (to Ezra):  "Move along, rebel."  In A New Hope, a sandtrooper says the same thing when, prompted by Obi-Wan's influence through the Force, he directs Luke into Mos Eisley:  "Move along.  Move along." [43:51].

10:26 - Rex (to Ezra):  "So what's your plan?"  In A New Hope, Han asks Luke the same thing:  "What's your plan?" [1:11:56].

12:16 - Ezra (as Chopper explains his plan):  "I'm the bait?"  As Lando explains the Imperial's trap in The Empire Strikes Back, Leia says, "And we're the bait" [1:32:58].

14:03 - Rex (after Kanan criticizes his shooting):  "Ah, this helmet!  I can't see!"  In A New Hope, Luke also complains about the visibility in stormtrooper helmets:  "I can't see a thing in this helmet!" [1:13:17].

14:10 - Still dressed as a stormtrooper, Kanan enters the cell where Commander Sato and the rest of the crew are held in order to rescue them, and although he takes his helmet off as he enters, the situation is still similar to A New Hope, where Luke, also in disguise as a stormtrooper, enters Leia's cell [1:15:57].

14:23 - Kanan (to Rex, who is still exchanging fire with stormtroopers):  "We don't have time for this.  I'll pull; you fire.
Rex:  "Ha, ha, ha, just like old times."

There are two similarities here.  In The Phantom Menace, Padmé also says, "We don't have time for this, Captain" to Panaka while exchanging fire with battle droids [1:52:54], and Biggs says almost the same thing as Rex in A New Hope:  "It'll be like old times, Luke" [1:43:34].

14:51 - Kanan (referring to stormtroopers):  "There's too many of them!"
Rex:  "Ah, I'm too old for all this running."

A rebel pilot says the same thing in Return of the Jedi (referring to TIE fighters):  "There's too many of them" [1:35:13].
In A New Hope, Obi-Wan tells Luke, "I'm getting too old for this sort of thing" [36:06].

15:23 - Imperial officer:  "Cell block AA24 is compromised."  In A New Hope, C-3PO announces that Princess Leia is in "Level 5, detention block AA23" [1:10:50].

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Rebels - S2E8 - "Blood Sisters"

3:34 - Sabine (to Ketsu):  "I saw your mark, old friend."  The phrase "old friend" is also used in Attack of the Clones (where Palpatine suggests "an old friend, like Master Kenobi" to protect Padmé [6:34] and Count Dooku calls Mace Windu "my old Jedi friend" [1:50:24] and just "old friend" [1:56:05]), in Revenge of the Sith (where Obi-Wan says, "Goodbye, old friend" to Anakin as he leaves for Utapau [51:13] and Yoda refers to Qui-Gon as "an old friend" [2:09:56]), in A New Hope (where Leia sarcastically says, "We, uh, ran into some old friends" when Han asks her and Luke where they've been [1:31:33]), in The Empire Strikes Back (where Yoda says that through the Force, Luke will see "Old friends long gone" [1:17:05]), and in Return of the Jedi (where Luke says, "I have a promise to keep to an old friend" [37:37] and Han calls C-3PO "an old friend of mine" [1:11:53]).

4:08 - Sabine (about breaking out of the Imperial academy):  "That was a long time ago."  Han uses the same expression in The Empire Strikes Back, after Chewbacca makes a comment that's evidently about something Han did to Lando in the past:  "Well, that was a long time ago; I'm sure he's forgotten about that" [1:18:44].  The phrase "A long time ago" is also shown at the beginning of each of the movies.

6:49 - Stormtrooper (as a fight breaks out with Ketsu):  "What the?"  In Attack of the Clones, an alien on Coruscant makes this same exclamation as he sees Obi-Wan flying through traffic while hanging from a droid [15:08]; Han Solo says it in A New Hope after emerging from hyperspace into a meteor shower [1:03:15]; and in Return of the Jedi, a scout trooper says this after being hit by Wicket [1:05:38].

7:20 - Stormtrooper (as Ketsu flies away):  "Bounty hunting scum."  Insults involving scum also appear in Revenge of the Sith (General Grievous calls Anakin "Jedi scum" [19:12]), The Empire Strikes Back (Admiral Piett remarks, "Bounty hunters!?  We don't need their scum." [1:05:52]), and Return of the Jedi (an Imperial officer says, "You rebel scum" [1:33:51]).

8:20 - Sabine (as Ketsu fires on the ship):  "Too late!"  In Return of the Jedi, an Imperial officer also shouts, "Too late!" [1:59:03] after Admiral Piett orders, "Intensify forward firepower!" to destroy an A-wing on a collision course with the Super Star Destroyer.

9:53 - Sabine (as Chopper lands on Ketsu's ship):  "I don't believe it."  Luke also says, "I don't, I don't believe it" in The Empire Strikes Back, after Yoda uses the Force to get his X-wing out of the swamp [1:13:10].

10:46 - Ketsu (as she's about to fire on Sabine):  "I really wish it hadn't come to this, old friend."  See above, 3:34.

11:01 - Sabine (to Ketsu):  "So long, old friend."  See above, 3:34.

13:00 - Ketsu (to Sabine, referring to Chopper):  "And this astromech, not very smart sticking your neck out for it."  C-3PO uses the same expression, also referring to an astromech, in A New Hope; he tells R2-D2, "Now don't you forget this.  Why I should stick my neck out for you is quite beyond my capacity." [19:30]

16:16 - Sabine (to the Imperial officer):  "It is looking pretty bad over here.  I'd keep my distance if I were you."  Han gives Chewbacca a similar suggestion in Return of the Jedi:  "Keep your distance, though, Chewie, but don't look like you're tryin' to keep your distance" [55:12].

17:50 - Ketsu (to Chopper):  "Get us out of here."  In A New Hope, Han also says this (to Chewbacca):  "Chewie, get us outta here!" [55:26].

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Rebels - S2E7 - "Wings of the Master"

4:41 - Kanan (to Ezra):  "Now strap in; we gotta pick up the last of the supplies."  Han Solo uses this same expression in A New Hope:  "Go strap yourselves in; I'm gonna make the jump to lightspeed" [56:46].

6:01 - Hera (to Zeb, after he points out a ship that crashed into a rock):  "That was your imagination!"  Han says similar things to Luke in A New Hope ("That's your imagination" [1:19:49]) and Return of the Jedi ("It's your imagination, kid." [55:51]).

9:35 - Imperial commander (to Kallus):  "What of the rebel fleet?"  There are similarly constructed questions in Revenge of the Sith (Obi-Wan asks Yoda, "And what of the boy?" [2:09:21]), A New Hope (General Tagge asks Tarkin, "And what of the rebellion?" [37:42]) and Return of the Jedi (Vader asks Palpatine, "What of the reports of the rebel fleet massing near Sullust?" [53:57]).

12:07 - Quarrie:  "Oh, I don't fly; too dangerous."  Obi-Wan makes a similar comment as Luke rushes back to the farm in A New Hope:  "It's too dangerous!" [39:52].

19:00 - Hera:  "Steady, steady."  In The Phantom Menace, Jar Jar also says this to the Gungan soldiers [1:48:30].

19:16 - Kallus (after Hera destroys the Imperial cruiser):  "That's impossible."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke also says, "That's impossible" [1:51:21].

19:34 - Zeb (about the B-wing):  "Maybe it's not such a hunk of junk after all."  Luke similarly describes the Millennium Falcon when he first sees it in A New Hope: "What a piece of junk!" [54:37].

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Rebels - S2E6 - "Brothers of the Broken Horn"

4:54 - Hondo (to Ezra):  "Well, hello there!"  "Hello, there" is also Obi-Wan's greeting to General Grievous in Revenge of the Sith [57:30] and to R2-D2 in A New Hope [30:07].

6:31 - An Imperial light cruiser passes overhead, similar to the Star Destroyer at the beginning of A New Hope:

12:21 - Azmorigan:  "Die, you pirate scum!"  C-3PO (with his head on the body of a battle droid) has a similar line in Attack of the Clones:  "Die, Jedi dogs!" [1:53:27].  Insults involving scum also appear in Revenge of the Sith (General Grievous calls Anakin "Jedi scum" [19:12]), The Empire Strikes Back (Admiral Piett remarks, "Bounty hunters!?  We don't need their scum." [1:05:52]), and Return of the Jedi (an Imperial officer says, "You rebel scum" [1:33:51]).

12:28 - Hondo (to Ezra):  "What's the plan?"   In A New Hope, Han asks Luke almost the same thing:  "What's your plan?" [1:11:56]

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Rebels - S2E5 - "Always Two There Are"

The title is taken from Yoda's comment in The Phantom Menace (talking to Mace Windu, referring to the Sith):  "Always two there are, no more, no less, a master and an apprentice" [2:07:59].

0:31 - Zeb (to Rex, about their Dejarik game):  "Maybe I let you win, old guy."  This may be intended as a reference to what C-3PO tells R2-D2 while he's playing Dejarik with Chewbacca in A New Hope:  "I suggest a new strategy, R2:  let the Wookiee win" [1:00:28].

5:27 - Imperial officer:  "Agent Kallus, I may have something.  A power surge at a decomissioned medical station in sector eleven.  Could be rebels."
Kallus:  "Could be anything, a malfunction or even scavengers."
Fifth Brother:  "No, I sense those we seek."

This conversation is similar to one in The Empire Strikes Back [20:29]:
Captain Piett:  "Admiral?"
Admiral Ozzel:  "Yes, Captain?"
Piett:  "I think we've got something, sir.  The report is only a fragment from a probe droid in the Hoth system, but it's the best lead we've had."
Ozzel:  "We have thousands of probe droids searching the galaxy.  I want proof, not leads!"
Piett:  "The visuals indicate life readings."
Ozzel:  "It could mean anything.  If we followed up every lead, we could-"
Piett:  "But, sir, the Hoth system is supposed to be devoid of human lifeforms."
Darth Vader:  "You found something?"
Piett:  "Yes, my lord."
Vader (upon seeing the rebels' shield generator):  "That's it; the rebels are there."
Ozzel:  "My lord, there are so many uncharted settlements.  It could be smugglers; it could be-"
Vader:  "That is the system, and I'm sure Skywalker is with them.  Set your course for the Hoth system."

6:59 - Zeb (after Ezra asserts that he'll find the medical supplies first):  "Cocky kid!"  This seems meant to resemble Han's comment to Luke in A New Hope, after he destroys one of the Empire's sentry ships:  "Great, kid!  Don't get cocky." [1:35:27].

10:21 - Ezra (upon running into the Fifth Brother):  "Not who we're looking for."  Obi-Wan, influencing a stormtrooper through the Force, uses the same expression in A New Hope:  "These aren't the droids you're looking for" [43:40]

11:13 - Seventh Sister (to the Fifth Brother):  "We will use the boy as bait to draw in the others."  Obi-Wan uses the same expression in Attack of the Clones (speaking to Anakin, referring to Padmé):  "You're using her as bait" [11:22].

16:01 & 16:05 - Zeb (to Chopper):  "I need your help."  Queen Amidala says the same thing to Jar Jar in The Phantom Menace ("I need your help" [1:37:55]); Obi-Wan to Padmé in Revenge of the Sith ("Padmé, I need your help" [1:38:44]); and Obi-Wan to Luke in A New Hope ("I need your help, Luke.  She [Leia] needs your help." [36:03]).

21:14 - Kanan:  "We really have no idea what we're up against."  Luke uses the same expression shortly before the Battle of Yavin in A New Hope when he tells Han, "You know what's about to happen, what they're up against" [1:41:48].

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Rebels - S2E4 - "Relics of the Old Republic"

0:41 - Zeb (to Rex, after Ezra asks if he's sure he won't go with them):  "Yeah, you're not bad in a fight."  Han similarly describes Luke in A New Hope:  "Pretty good in a fight" [1:41:43].

1:18 - The framing of this shot is similar to one near the beginning of A New Hope [2:14], although The Ghost is just idling and facing the opposite direction as the Tantive IV:

1:36 - Hera (to the rebels):  "Good luck down there."  In The Empire Strikes Back, an unidentified Rebel pilot wishes Luke good luck [36:02] and Luke wishes Lando good luck [2:00:09], and in Return of the Jedi, Han and Lando wish each other good luck [Han to Lando at 50:33 and Lando to Han at 52:21].

4:19 - Sabine (after Gregor says the clones haven't been shot at in years):  "Yeah?  Well, it happens to us every day."  There's some similarity here to what Indiana Jones says in The Last Crusade after his father tells him that someone trying to kill him is a new experience for him:  "Happens to me all the time" [1:18:43].

5:18 - Agent Kallus (to Admiral Konstatine):  "Prepare for ground assault."  General Rieekan also says this in The Empire Strikes Back [22:42].

6:48 - Gregor (about the AT-ATs):  "Would you look at the size of those things!"  Wedge makes almost the same comment about the Death Star in A New Hope:  "Look at the size of that thing!" [1:45:53]

7:10 - Rex (after Kanan criticizes him for running from the AT-ATs):  "Well, if you've got a better idea, sir, now's the time."  Obi-Wan says something similar while speaking to Tion Medon in Revenge of the Sith:  "If you have warriors, now is the time" [55:19].

7:41 - Kallus (to the AT-AT pilot):  "Fire at will."  Palpatine gives the same command in Return of the Jedi:  "Fire at will, commander" [1:14:37].

9:12 - Sabine (referring to the AT-ATs):  "Those things are practically impervious to blasters, but they have one weak point in their armor:  the neck."
Gregor:  "One well-placed shot from the main gun should destroy it."

There are two similarities here.  In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke says of the AT-ATs, "That armor's too strong for blasters" [27:20].
In A New Hope, General Dodonna says of the Death Star, "A small, one-man fighter should be able to penetrate the outer defense" [1:39:43].

9:50 - Zeb:  "I don't know how we're supposed to shoot something we can't see."  There's some connection here to Luke's comment in A New Hope:  "With the blast shield down, I can't even see; how'm I supposed to fight?" [1:01:41]

14:49 - Rex (to Ezra):  "Great shot, kid!"  Han says the same thing to Luke at the end of A New Hope:  "Great shot, kid!  That was one in a million!"  [1:57:20].

16:48 - Kallus:  "Intensify forward firepower!"  Admiral Piett says the same thing in Return of the Jedi [1:59:00].

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Rebels - S2E3 - "The Lost Commanders"

1:13 - Chopper makes a noise that seems to be "I've got a bad feeling about this."

5:26 - Rex (to the rebels):  "Sorry about the, um, weapons malfunction."  This is the same excuse Han gives to an Imperial officer in A New Hope:  "Uh, had a slight weapons malfunction" [1:15:21].

11:16 - Zeb (after Gregor says they're coming up on a hot spot):  "Your hot spot looks like everywhere else on this desolate rock."  Luke uses a similar expression in A New Hope; after C-3PO asks if there's anything he can do to help, he replies, "Not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest, or teleport me off this rock" [19:58].

12:35 - The joopa makes the same sound as the sarlacc in Return of the Jedi.

17:03 - Hera (to Kanan):  "Ahsoka's always full of surprises."  Luke uses the same expression during his duel with Vader in The Empire Strikes Back:  "You'll find I'm full of surprises" [1:43:49].

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Rebels - S2E2 - "The Siege of Lothal - Part II"

4:57 - Lando:  "I'd be taking an awful big risk."  Tarkin makes almost the same comment in A New Hope:  "I'm taking an awful risk, Vader" [1:36:30].

7:26 - Ezra:  "We can fight.  We have allies."
Kanan:  "Do you understand what you're saying?  You saw what we're up against.  Look!"
Ezra:  "I'm not afraid."

There are two similarities here.  In A New Hope, as Han is preparing to leave before the Battle of Yavin, Luke says to him, "You know what's about to happen, what they're up against" [1:41:48].  Luke also says, "I'm not afraid" in The Empire Strikes Back [57:22].

8:14 - Ezra:  "So what's the plan for gettin' out of here?"  In A New Hope, Han asks Luke almost the same thing:  "What's your plan?" [1:11:56]

9:05 - Imperial officer (to Admiral Konstantine):  "Admiral, I'm scanning a ship leaving the surface in sector four.  Its transpoder codes match those of the stolen Imperial shuttle."  An Imperial officer says something similar about the Millennium Falcon in A New Hope:  "We've captured a freighter entering the remains of the Alderaan system; its marking match those of a ship that blasted its way out of Mos Eisley" [1:05:58].

10:31 - Hera (after Kanan asks where they're going):  "What are you talking about?  We're part of the Rebellion now."  This line appears three times in A New Hope:  twice, C-3PO asks R2-D2, "What are you talking about?" [6:51 and 9:47], and later, in response to Luke's urge to rescue Leia, Han Solo asks, "What are you talkin' about?" [1:11:03].  In Attack of the Clones, Anakin also asks Padmé, "What are you talking about?" [1:43:07].

13:22 - Rebel pilot (referring to Vader):  "He's coming in too fast."  Luke says nearly the same thing about the Death Star's sentry ships in A New Hope:  "They're coming in too fast!" [1:34:45]

15:08 - Ahsoka (referring, albeit unknowingly, to Vader):  "The Force is strong with him."  In a Jedi counsel meeting in The Phantom Menace, Ki-Adi Mundi says this about Anakin [1:33:06], and in The Empire Strikes Back, Palpatine, speaking to Vader, says this about Luke [53:46], but the situation is more like that in A New Hope where Vader says, "The Force is strong with this one" [1:55:41], also describing Luke, although unknowingly.  In Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine tells Anakin, "The Force is strong with you" [1:16:32].

16:38 - Vader (giving orders to Admiral Konstantine):  "I want these rebels alive."  Vader gives the same command to the stormtroopers in A New Hope ("Bring me the passengers; I want them alive!" [6:08]) and to the bounty hunters in The Empire Strikes Back ("You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive, no disintegrations" [1:06:14]).

16:41 - There's some resemblance between this shot from within a TIE fighter firing on The Ghost and a shot in A New Hope from within a TIE fighter firing on the Millennium Falcon [1:34:31]:

19:13 - Kanan (telling Ahsoka about the encounter with Vader):  "I haven't sensed a presence like that since..."  Vader, sensing Obi-Wan, says something similar in A New Hope:  "I sense something, a presence I've not felt since...." [1:06:45].

21:16 - Emperor Palpatine (to Vader):  "Be patient, my old friend."  Advice on being patient and the appellation "old friend" occur many times in the movies, but the strongest similarity here is to what Palpatine says to Vader in Return of the Jedi:  "Patience, my friend" [38:57].

21:25 - Vader (to Palpatine):  "As you wish, my master."  The phrase "As you wish" occurs a number of times in the original trilogy:  in A New Hope, Vader says it after Tarkin asks him to release General Motti from his Force choke [38:45]; in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett says it after Vader warns the bounty hunters against disintegrations [1:06:22]; in Return of the Jedi, Vader says it twice more in conversations with the Emperor [39:16 and 1:07:38], and Admiral Piett says it to Vader ("As you wish, my lord") [56:13].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray says, "As you wish" at the end of a conversation with Darth Sidious [5:04], and in Revenge of the Sith, Captain Typho says, "As you wish, my lady," to Padmé [1:41:23].


The color scheme of the blue A-wings (also seen in Part I) is taken from a Ralph McQuarrie concept painting:


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Rebels - S2E1 - "The Siege of Lothal - Part I"

0:15 - Rebel pilot:  "I'll cut across their axis."  Red Leader says nearly the same thing in A New Hope:  "I'm gonna cut across the axis and try and draw their fire" [1:46:08].

2:11 - Zeb (referring to the "liberated" cargo):  "Almost in range."  In A New Hope, Han also says this, referring to a TIE fighter:  "He's almost in range" [1:04:22].

3:38 - Minister Tua:  "Lord Vader, with all due respect, you and Governor Tarkin are asking for miracles."  In The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan's pilot also says, "With all due respect" ("With all due respect, the ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor wish to board immediately" [2:06]), and Obi-Wan uses it in Revenge of the Sith while speaking to Mace Windu about Anakin ("With all due respect, Master, is he not the chosen one?" [40:32]).

5:32 - Old Jho (to the rebels, referring to Minister Tua):  "She says she needs your help."  Queen Amidala says almost the same thing to Jar Jar in The Phantom Menace ("I need your help" [1:37:55]); Obi-Wan to Padmé in Revenge of the Sith ("Padmé, I need your help" [1:38:44]); and Obi-Wan to Luke in A New Hope ("I need your help, Luke.  She [Leia] needs your help." [36:03]).

9:23 - Hera:  "After our stunt on Mustafar, there's a good chance the Empire will be able to track it [The Ghost]."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Han uses almost the same expression shortly after he shoots the Imperial probe droid:  "It's a good bet the Empire knows we're here" [19:39].

9:42 - Kanan:  "So what's the plan?"  In A New Hope, Han asks Luke the same thing:  "What's your plan?" [1:11:56]

12:07 - Hera (after Kanan dresses up as a stormtrooper):  "I don't believe it."  The context is quite different, but Luke also says, "I don't, I don't believe it" in The Empire Strikes Back, after Yoda uses the Force to get his X-wing out of the swamp [1:13:10].

16:29 - Stormtrooper (after Chopper shocks a stormtrooper):  "What the?"  In Attack of the Clones, an alien on Coruscant makes this same exclamation as he sees Obi-Wan flying through traffic while hanging from a droid [15:08]; Han says it in A New Hope after emerging from hyperspace into a meteor shower [1:03:15]; and in Return of the Jedi, a scout trooper says this after being hit by Wicket [1:05:38].

16:35 - Stormtrooper:  "Open up in there!"  A stormtrooper says the same thing in A New Hope (to C-3PO and R2-D2 in the Death Star control room):  "Open up in there!  Open up in there!" [1:17:57]

16:38 - Ezra:  "We're in trouble!"  Han says the same thing after the Millennium Falcon fails to jump to hyperspace in The Empire Strikes Back [37:54].

16:56 - Stormtrooper:  "Hold your fire.  Hold your fire."  Obi-Wan also says this to Anakin when he tries to shoot the buzz droids off Obi-Wan's starfighter in Revenge of the Sith:  "Hold your fire!  You're not helping here!" [6:03]

18:59 - Kanan (after he uses the Force on a stormtrooper, who lets him and Ezra pass):  "Well, then, as you wish, trooper."  The phrase "As you wish" occurs a number of times in the original trilogy:  in A New Hope, Vader says it after Tarkin asks him to release General Motti from his Force choke [38:45]; in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett says it after Vader warns the bounty hunters against disintegrations [1:06:22]; in Return of the Jedi, Vader says it twice more in conversations with the Emperor [39:16 and 1:07:38], and Admiral Piett says it to Vader ("As you wish, my lord") [56:13].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray says, "As you wish" at the end of a conversation with Darth Sidious [5:04], and in Revenge of the Sith, Captain Typho says, "As you wish, my lady," to Padmé [1:41:23].

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Rebels - S1E14 - "Fire Across the Galaxy"

8:47 - Stormtrooper (to the rebels):  "Drop your weapons!  Hands up!"  A stormtrooper also says, "Hands up!" to Han and Leia in Return of the Jedi [1:48:07].  In The Phantom Menace, a battle droid says, "Hands up!" to Jar Jar and Captain Tarpals [2:00:19], and in Revenge of the Sith, one says "Hands up, Jedi!" to Anakin [10:22].

9:07 - Ezra (after he uses his lightsaber to melt the blast doors together):  "Kanan is down that hall; I just cut off our only way to get to him."  Leia makes a similar comment to Han in A New Hope:  "Looks like you managed to cut off our only escape route" [1:17:32].

14:51 - The framing is different, but Kanan holds his and Ezra's lightsabers to the Inquisitor in the same way that Anakin does to Dooku in Revenge of the Sith [14:08]:

17:02 - Zeb (referring to Chopper):  "I can't believe that bucket of bolts abandoned us."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Leia also uses this phrase, although she's referring to the Millennium Falcon:  "This bucket of bolts is never gonna get us past that blockade" [35:09].

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Rebels - S1E13 - "Rebel Resolve"

0:36 - Imperial driver (as Zeb and Ezra commandeer the walker):  "What the?"  In Attack of the Clones, an alien on Coruscant makes this same exclamation as he sees Obi-Wan flying through traffic while hanging from a droid [15:08]; Han Solo says it in A New Hope after emerging from hyperspace into a meteor shower [1:03:15]; and in Return of the Jedi, a scout trooper says this after being hit by Wicket [1:05:38].

1:10 - Ezra:  "Plug in, Chop.  We need prisoner logs of all Imperial detention facilities."  Obi-Wan gives the same command to R2-D2 in A New Hope:  "Plug in; you should be able to interpret the entire Imperial network" [1:09:06].

1:53 - Sabine (to Chopper):  "No connection?  That's impossible.  The entire system would have to be down."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke also says, "That's impossible" [1:51:21].

3:11 - Ezra (after Zeb falls onto the front of the walker):  "I can't see; move!"
Zeb:  "Move?  Move where?"
Ezra:  "Anywhere!"

When the dianoga grabs Luke in the Death Star trash compactor, Luke and Han have a similar exchange [1:20:37].
Luke:  "Blast it, will you?  My gun's jammed."
Han:  "Where?"
Luke:  "Anywhere!"

3:52 - Zeb (to Chopper):  "Move, you stupid junk pile."  In A New Hope, C-3PO similarly insults R2-D2 and calls him a "nearsighted scrap pile" [9:56].

5:41 - Ezra (to Hera):  "What are you talking about?"  This line appears three times in A New Hope:  twice, C-3PO asks R2-D2, "What are you talking about?" [6:51 and 9:47], and later, in response to Luke's urge to rescue Leia, Han Solo asks, "What are you talkin' about?" [1:11:03].  In Attack of the Clones, Anakin also asks Padmé, "What are you talking about?" [1:43:07].

15:39 - Tarkin (to the Inquisitor as they watch Kanan being tortured):  "The Jedi is no good to me dead."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett says the same thing to Vader about Han Solo, who's being tortured in the next room:  "He's no good to me dead" [1:30:57].

17:41 - Imperial officer (to Chopper in disguise):  "You're late 264; plug in."  See 1:10 above.

20:52 - Hera (to Ezra):  "Kanan has taught you well."  Similarly, Vader tells Luke, "Obi-Wan has taught you well" in The Empire Strikes Back [1:44:42] and in Return of the Jedi [1:49:01].

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Rebels - S1E12 - "Call to Action"

0:03 - An Imperial Star Destroyer flies overhead as a shuttle, flanked by TIE fighters, exits it, which is the same way that Return of the Jedi starts, although that's in space, and this episode begins in the atmosphere of Lothal.

11:25 - Kallus (accepting Tarkin's plan):  "As you wish."  The phrase "As you wish" occurs a number of times in the original trilogy:  in A New Hope, Vader says it after Tarkin asks him to release General Motti from his Force choke [38:45]; in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett says it after Vader warns the bounty hunters against disintegrations [1:06:22]; in Return of the Jedi, Vader says it twice more in conversations with the Emperor [39:16 and 1:07:38], and Admiral Piett says it to Vader ("As you wish, my lord") [56:13].  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray says, "As you wish" at the end of a conversation with Darth Sidious [5:04], and in Revenge of the Sith, Captain Typho says, "As you wish, my lady," to Padmé [1:41:23].

11:36 - Tarkin (to the Inquisitor):  "And remember:  I want this Jedi alive."  Vader gives the same command to the stormtroopers in A New Hope ("Bring me the passengers; I want them alive!" [6:08]) and to the bounty hunters in The Empire Strikes Back ("You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive, no disintegrations" [1:06:14]).

14:40 - Kanan (after Imperials arrive too quickly):  "That's impossible."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke also says, "That's impossible" [1:51:21].

17:56 - Kanan (to the Inquisitor):  "We're full of surprises."  Luke uses the same expression during his duel with Vader in The Empire Strikes Back:  "You'll find I'm full of surprises" [1:43:49].

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Rebels - S1E11 - "Vision of Hope"

2:48 - Hera:  "I'll play back the entire message."  As a command, Luke also says this to R2-D2 in A New Hope:  "Play back the entire message!" [22:59]

6:36 - Stormtrooper (to Zare Leonis):  "Cadet, you alright?"  In The Phantom Menace, Anakin asks Qui-Gon, "Are you alright?" [1:17:31] and Padmé asks Anakin, "You alright?" [1:19:06].  In Attack of the Clones, Padmé asks Anakin, "Ani, are you alright?" [50:02], and later a clone trooper asks Padmé, "Are you alright?" [2:05:54].  In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin asks the Chancellor, "Are you alright?" [11:49], and a bit later, Mace Windu asks him, "Chancellor Palpatine, are you alright?" [24:53].  In A New Hope, Luke asks Obi-Wan this [59:16] and Biggs asks Luke [1:46:44], and in The Empire Strikes Back, Luke asks, "Rogue Two, are you alright?" [30:31].  Twice in The Empire Strikes Back, Han asks this with a shortened "You alright?" once to Luke [22:12] and once to Leia [31:39].

9:11 - Kanan:  "It's a trap."  Admiral Ackbar says, "It's a trap!" in Return of the Jedi [1:35:03], and Leia says it twice in The Empire Strikes Back [1:39:50].

11:41 - Senator Trayvis:  "I was beginning to think no one on Lothal got my message."  In Attack of the Clones, Taun We uses the same expression after Obi-Wan arrives on Kamino:  "After all these years, we were beginning to think you weren't coming" [42:01].

11:47 - Senator Trayvis (after Hera tells him the Empire knows he's there):  "That's impossible."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke also says, "That's impossible" [1:51:21].

12:15 - Kallus (commenting on Hera while identifying the rebels):  "And what have we here?  A Twi'lek I've yet to meet."  Lando says the same thing upon seeing Leia for the first time in The Empire Strikes Back:  "Hello, what have we here?" [1:21:12]

13:35 - Kanan (as an Imperial shuttle shows up):  "And that's not the ride we're looking for."  This bears some similarity to what Obi-Wan tells some sandtroopers in A New Hope:  "These aren't the droids you're looking for" [43:40].

19:02 - Kanan:  "What's our plan?"  In A New Hope, Han asks Luke, "What's your plan?" [1:11:56]


Part of the mural behind Trayvis in the old Republic Senate building is based on a Ralph McQuarrie concept painting:



Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Rebels - S1E10 - "Idiot's Array"

1:07 - Kanan (to Zeb, telling him to bet Chopper):  "Do it!"  Palpatine says the same thing when he urges Anakin to kill Count Dooku in Revenge of the Sith [14:22].

2:17 - Hera:  "What's the cargo?"
Lando:  "I was told no questions asked."

The same expressions appear in an exchange in A New Hope [48:22] where Han Solo asks Obi-Wan Kenobi, "What's the cargo?" and Obi-Wan replies, "Only passengers:  myself, the boy, two droids, and no questions asked."

9:13 - Azmorigan (to his guards):  "Leave us!"  Palpatine has similar lines twice in the movies:  "Leave us" to his entourage at the opera in Revenge of the Sith [43:44] and "Guards, leave us" to the Imperial guards in Return of the Jedi [1:30:55].

13:20 - Imperial officer:  "This Corellian ship matches the description of the rebel craft we've been looking for."  This is somewhat similar to what an-other Imperial officer says of the Millennium Falcon in A New Hope:  "We've captured a freighter entering the remains of the Alderaan system; its marking match those of a ship that blasted its way out of Mos Eisley" [1:05:58].  The "we've been looking for" may be a nod to Obi-Wan's famous "These aren't the droids you're looking for," also in A New Hope [43:39].

20:13 - Hera (after Lando offers to return Chopper as his payment):  "That won't satisfy your debt to me, not after what you pulled."  Lando uses the same expression in The Empire Strikes Back when he tells Han, "You got a lot of guts coming here after what you pulled." [1:20:30]

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Rebels - S1E9 - "Path of the Jedi"

7:33 - Kanan (to Ezra):  "Good luck."  In The Empire Strikes Back, an unidentified Rebel pilot wishes Luke good luck [36:02] and Luke wishes Lando good luck [2:00:09], and in Return of the Jedi, Han and Lando wish each other good luck [Han to Lando at 50:33 and Lando to Han at 52:21].

14:02 - Ezra:  "I'm not afraid."  Luke also says this in The Empire Strikes Back [57:22].

15:12 - Yoda (to Kanan):  "Patience."  In The Empire Strikes Back, Yoda and Obi-Wan also counsel Luke with, "Patience!" [Yoda at 54:36 and 55:03; Obi-Wan at 1:24:18], and in Return of the Jedi, the Emperor advises Vader:  "Patience, my friend" [38:57].  It's also part of Obi-Wan's advice to Anakin in Attack of the Clones:  "Patience.  Use the Force.  Think." [21:49].  Also in Attack of the Clones, Dooku, referring to Padmé, tells Gunray, "Patience, Viceroy, patience; she will die" [1:49:27].

17:38 - Yoda (to Ezra):  "Tell me, why must you become Jedi?"  He asks Luke nearly the same question in The Empire Strikes Back:  "Why wish you become Jedi?" [55:12]

20:39 - Zeb (about Ezra and his lightsaber):  "He's been working on that thing for weeks."  One of the kids in The Phantom Menace makes a similar comment about Anakin's podracer:  "You've been working on that thing for years" [48:09].

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rebels - S1E8 - "Gathering Forces"

9:04 - Hera (to Kanan in the Phantom):  "Detach!"  Han gives the same order to Chewbacca in The Empire Strikes Back, to separate the Millennium Falcon from a Star Destroyer as the Imperial fleet breaks up [1:15:50].

14:05 - An Imperial Star Destroyer flies overhead as a shuttle exits it, which is the same way that Return of the Jedi starts:

14:37 - Grand Inquisitor (to a group of stormtroopers, referring to Kanan and Ezra):  "I want them alive."  Vader gives the same command to the stormtroopers in A New Hope ("Bring me the passengers; I want them alive!" [6:08]) and to the bounty hunters in The Empire Strikes Back ("You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want them alive, no disintegrations" [1:06:14]).

18:10 - Ezra:  "I feel so cold."  This comes after an experience with the dark side of the Force, so it's similar to Luke's reaction to the cave on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back where he says, "I feel cold" and Yoda explains, "That place is strong with the dark side of the Force.  A domain of evil it is." [1:02:43]

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Rebels - S1E7 - "Empire Day"

2:28 - In the interior of Old Jho's Pit Stop there's an-other use of the hexagonal pattern seen in the homestead garage in Attack of the Clones and A New Hope:

8:58 - Stormtrooper (to Ezra and Kanan):  "Move along."  In A New Hope, a sandtrooper says the same thing when, prompted by Obi-Wan's influence through the Force, he directs Luke into Mos Eisley:  "Move along.  Move along." [43:51].

15:54 - Commandant Aresko:  "That's far enough, rebel scum."  An Imperial officer delivers the same insult in Return of the Jedi:  "You rebel scum" [1:33:51].

16:10 - Kanan (to Sabine, who's driving the Imperial transport):  "Punch it!"  Han also says this to Chewbacca in The Empire Strikes Back [35:35].

20:44 - Zeb (referring to Chopper):  "Is that scrap heap even paying attention?"  In A New Hope, C-3PO similarly insults R2-D2 and calls him a "nearsighted scrap pile" [9:56].

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Rebels - S1E6 - "Out of Darkness"

3:59 - Kanan:  "If she [Hera] trusts the contact [Fulcrum], I trust the contact, no questions asked."  Obi-Wan also uses this phrase in A New Hope while securing passage to Alderaan; after Han asks about the cargo, Obi-Wan replies, "Only passengers:  myself, the boy, two droids, and no questions asked" [48:23].

14:31 - Hera (to Sabine):  "So what's your plan?"  In A New Hope, Han asks Luke the same thing:  "What's your plan?" [1:11:56]

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Rebels - S1E5 - "Breaking Ranks"

0:24 - Taskmaster Grint (presenting the cadets to Commandant Aresko):  "Squad LRC-077 for your inspection, sir!"  This may be a reference to 1977, the year A New Hope was released.

0:37 - Commandant Aresko (to the cadets):  "By the time you complete your training, you will be prepared to serve your emperor."  Vader uses the same expression in The Empire Strikes Back when he tells Luke, "Join me, and I will complete your training" [1:50:39], and the Emperor uses it in Return of the Jedi (also speaking to Luke):  "I am looking forward to completing your training" [1:31:04].

17:42 - Jai Kell (after a tank fires at the walker they're inside):  "Fire back!"
Zare Leonis:  "I'm trying!"

Leia gives the same response to Han in the trash compactor in A New Hope [1:23:41]; Han says, "Get on top of it," and Leia replies, "I'm trying!"


The symbols that the cadets have on their helmets (and the helmets themselves) are reminiscent of a Ralph McQuarrie concept painting for The Empire Strikes Back:



Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Rebels - S1E4 - "Rise of the Old Masters"

0:23 - Kanan (to Ezra):  "Do or do not; there is no try."  Yoda says this to Luke in The Empire Strikes Back [1:09:29].  In this episode, Kanan acknowledges the saying's provinance:  "Actually, that one always confused me, too, but Master Yoda sure used to say it a lot."

2:42 - Ezra (as Kanan pulls him through the air using the Force):  "What the?"  In Attack of the Clones, an alien on Coruscant makes this same exclamation as he sees Obi-Wan flying through traffic while hanging from a droid [15:08]; Han Solo says it in A New Hope after emerging from hyperspace into a meteor shower [1:03:15]; and in Return of the Jedi, a scout trooper says this after being hit by Wicket [1:05:38].

7:29 - Hera (to the rest of the rebels):  "Good luck."  In The Empire Strikes Back, an unidentified Rebel pilot wishes Luke good luck [36:02] and Luke wishes Lando good luck [2:00:09], and in Return of the Jedi, Han and Lando wish each other good luck [Han to Lando at 50:33 and Lando to Han at 52:21].

8:22 - Kanan (to Ezra, after he loudly runs into the door):  "You're lucky every stormtrooper in the prison doesn't know we're here."  Luke makes a similar complaint to Han Solo in A New Hope:  "You know, between his [Chewbacca's] howling and your blasting everything in sight, it's a wonder the whole station doesn't know we're here" [1:08:56].

13:30 - Ezra (on his comlink):  "Spector Three, come in; it's a trap!"  Admiral Ackbar says, "It's a trap!" in Return of the Jedi [1:35:03], and Leia says it twice in The Empire Strikes Back [1:39:50].

15:32 - Stormtrooper (to other stormtroopers):  "Hold your fire!"  Obi-Wan also says this to Anakin when he tries to shoot the buzz droids off Obi-Wan's starfighter in Revenge of the Sith:  "Hold your fire!  You're not helping here!" [6:03]

20:23 - Kanan (to Ezra):  "What're you talkin' about?"  This line appears three times in A New Hope:  twice, C-3PO asks R2-D2, "What are you talking about?" [6:51 and 9:47], and later, in response to Luke's urge to rescue Leia, Han Solo asks, "What are you talkin' about?" [1:11:03].  In Attack of the Clones, Anakin also asks Padmé, "What are you talking about?" [1:43:07].

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Rebels - S1E3 - "Fighter Flight"

0:30 - Ezra (to Chopper):  "Come back here, you rolling junk pile."  C-3PO similarly insults R2-D2 in A New Hope:  "Go that way.  You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you near-sighted scrap pile" [9:53].

5:03 - Zeb (to Ezra):  "So what's the plan, kid?"  Han has a similar line in A New Hope when he asks Luke, "What's your plan?" [1:11:56]

7:31 - Stormtrooper (to Zeb):  "Hands up!"  A stormtrooper also says, "Hands up!" to Han and Leia in Return of the Jedi [1:48:07].  In The Phantom Menace, a battle droid says, "Hands up!" to Jar Jar and Captain Tarpals [2:00:19], and in Revenge of the Sith, one says "Hands up, Jedi!" to Anakin [10:22].

9:37 - Zeb (after fruit splatters the cockpit of the TIE fighter he stole):  "Can't see a thing!"  Obi-Wan says the same thing in Revenge of the Sith, after the cockpit of his starfighter fogs over ("I can't see a thing" [6:11]), and Luke says the same thing in A New Hope about his stormtrooper disguise ("I can't see a thing in this helmet!" [1:13:17]) and in The Empire Strikes Back while entering Dagobah's atmosphere in his X-wing ("All the scopes are dead; I can't see a thing" [41:09]).

14:59 - Zeb (to Supply Master Lyste, who's suspicious about the stolen TIE fighter):  "That's not the TIE you're looking for."  This has the same structure as Obi-Wan's line "These aren't the droids you're looking for" in A New Hope [43:40].

15:48 - Mr. Sumar (to Ezra, as he's reaching down to the control panel to release the Imperial prisoners):  "It's too dangerous!"  In A New Hope, Obi-Wan gives this same warning to Luke as he rushes back to the farm [39:52].

17:58 - Ezra sticks a wrench into the barrel of the turret so that when it fires, the turret explodes, which is basically the same thing that Indiana Jones does with a rock and a turret on a tank in The Last Crusade [1:30:22].

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Rebels - S1E2 - "Droids in Distress"

3:24 - C-3PO (to R2-D2):  "Secret mission?  What secret mission?"  He says the same thing, also to R2, in A New Hope:  "Secret mission?" [6:50]

4:04 - C-3PO:  "The odds of our mission becoming a complete debacle-"  He also gives the odds of various situations in The Empire Strikes Back:  "R2 says the chances of survival are 725 to 1" [12:15], "Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1!" [38:50], and "Sir, the odds of surviving a direct assault on an Imperial Star Destroyer-" [1:07:19].

4:50 - The decorative border in the hangar seems to be derived from a similar design in a Ralph McQuarrie concept painting for the exterior of Jabba's Palace in Return of the Jedi:

8:41 - Stormtrooper:  "Hands up!"   A stormtrooper also says, "Hands up!" to Han and Leia in Return of the Jedi [1:48:07].  In The Phantom Menace, a battle droid says, "Hands up!" to Jar Jar and Captain Tarpals [2:00:19], and in Revenge of the Sith, one says "Hands up, Jedi!" to Anakin [10:22].

9:58 - C-3PO (to R2):  "The mission is doomed, and so are we!"  He also says "We're doomed" twice (both times to R2) in A New Hope [3:04, 16:02], once (to Han, Leia, and Chewbacca) in The Empire Strikes Back [1:00:38], and once (to R2) in Return of the Jedi [10:03].

10:38 - C-3PO:  "I am C-3PO, and this is my counterpart, R2-D2."  He introduces himself and R2 in almost the same way in A New Hope:  "And I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations, and this is my counterpart, R2-D2" [20:25].

14:22 - C-3PO (making a distress call):  "This is C-3PO, human-cyborg relations..."  He uses the same phrase when he introduces himself to Padmé and to R2-D2 in The Phantom Menace ("I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations" [39:03 and 39:26]), to Luke in A New Hope ("And I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations" [20:25]), and to Lando in The Empire Strikes Back ("I am C-3PO, human-cyborg relations" [1:21:31]).  He's about to say the same thing in Return of the Jedi, but EV-9D9 interrupts him, so he gets only as far as "I am C-3PO human-cy-" [11:21].

17:17 - C-3PO (to the stormtroopers):  "Wait, don't shoot!  Don't shoot!  You're here to rescue me!"  He also says this, to Jawas, in A New Hope:  "Don't shoot!  Don't shoot!" [16:27].

19:39 - C-3PO:  "Will our torment never end?"  He has a similar line in A New Hope:  "Will this never end?"  [16:28].

19:43 - Hera:  "Chopper, get us outta here."  Han Solo also says this in A New Hope, although directed to Chewbacca:  "Chewie, get us outta here!" [55:26].

21:26 - This shot of R2 and Bail Organa matches a shot of Leia and R2 in A New Hope [5:08], albeit in mirror image:


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Rebels - S1E1 - "Spark of Rebellion"

Part I

2:06 - Commandant Aresko (to stormtroopers, referring to a merchant):  "Take him away."  In The Phantom Menace, Nute Gunray commands, "Take him away," to a pair of battle droids, referring to Sio Bibble [1:18:19], and in Attack of the Clone, Jango Fett says, "Take him away" to battle droids, referring to Anakin [1:42:30].

2:18 - Taskmaster Grint (to Ezra):  "Move along, Loth-rat."  In A New Hope, a sandtrooper says the same thing when, prompted by Obi-Wan's influence through the Force, he directs Luke into Mos Eisley:  "Move along.  Move along." [43:51].

5:30 - Sabine (to Ezra):  "Good luck!"  In The Empire Strikes Back, an unidentified Rebel pilot wishes Luke good luck [36:02] and Luke wishes Lando good luck [2:00:09], and in Return of the Jedi, Han and Lando wish each other good luck [Han to Lando at 50:33 and Lando to Han at 52:21].

5:54 - Screenshots don't do justice to the dynamics here, but this shot has the same basic composition as a shot in Return of the Jedi [59:34].  The camera pans with the rebels' speeders (Ezra, Kanan, and Zeb in this episode; Luke and Leia in the movie) and then stops to reveal two Imperial troopers already mounted on speeder bikes who take off in pursuit.

6:21 - Zeb suddenly slows his speeder bike so that the Imperial troops who were chasing him pass him, which is what Luke does in Return of the Jedi [59:47].

6:27 - Imperial trooper (after Kanan feigns giving up):  "What the?"  In Attack of the Clones, an alien on Coruscant makes this same exclamation as he sees Obi-Wan flying through traffic while hanging from a droid [15:08]; Han Solo says it in A New Hope after emerging from hyperspace into a meteor shower [1:03:15], and in Return of the Jedi, a scout trooper says this after being hit by Wicket [1:05:38].

Part II

0:49 - The symbol on the door in the Imperial cruiser also appears in Echo Base in The Empire Strikes Back [33:36], and these particular shots even have a similar composition:

1:05 - Ezra (to Kanan and Zeb):  "It's a trap!  We gotta get out of here; it's a trap!"  Admiral Ackbar says, "It's a trap!" in Return of the Jedi [1:35:03], and Leia says it twice in The Empire Strikes Back [1:39:50].

1:42 - Stormtrooper (after the artificial gravity is turned off):  "What the?"  See above, 6:27.

4:43 - Agent Kallus (to Ezra):  "You're here to be used as bait upon our return to Lothal."  Obi-Wan uses the same expression in Attack of the Clones (speaking to Anakin, referring to Padmé):  "You're using her as bait" [11:22].

7:56 - Ezra (after hearing that the Rebel ship has returned):  "They came back!  I don't believe it."  The context is quite different, but Luke also says, "I don't, I don't believe it" in The Empire Strikes Back, after Yoda uses the Force to get his X-wing out of the swamp [1:13:10].

15:42 - Wilhelm scream (stormtrooper)

16:14 - Ezra (to Kallus):  "I don't know where you get your delusions, buckethead; I work alone."  Leia has a similar line in The Empire Strikes Back, talking to Han:  "I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain" [17:20].

19:00 - The color palette is simpler, but in Ezra's home there are a few hexagonal panels like those seen in the homestead garage in Attack of the Clones and A New Hope:

19:10 - Kanan (to Ezra):  "The Force is everywhere.  It surrounds us and penetrates us.  It binds the galaxy together."  Obi-Wan similarly describes the Force in A New Hope:  "It's an energy field created by all living things.  It surrounds us and penetrates us.  It binds the galaxy together." [34:41].

20:35 - Obi-Wan (in a holocron recording):  "And in time a new hope will emerge."  This is obvious, but I'll note it anyway:  "a new hope" is also the title of the first movie.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Revenge of the Sith

After the crawl, the first shot of the movie pans down to reveal the top of a Jedi cruiser:

This is nearly the opposite of the shots from underneath Star Destroyers that start the movies in the original trilogy.  Instead of the oppression of the Empire, this seems to give the impression of the stability of the Republic, although when the camera follows Obi-Wan and Anakin's ships beyond the cruiser, the battle raging beneath it is revealed.

Later in the movie, there's a shot that's closer to the opening of the original trilogy movies.  A Jedi cruiser flies overhead, but in the opposite direction of the Star Destroyer in A New Hope:

That the shots are becoming more similar illustrates that the events of Revenge of the Sith are leading into those of A New Hope.  There's still a difference, though, because the Jedi are working towards peace and justice in the Republic; they're not yet "all but extinct" in the "dark times" of the Empire, as Obi-Wan tells Luke.


When Palpatine tells Obi-Wan and Anakin, "Get help.  You're no match for him [Count Dooku]; he's a Sith Lord!" he's still maintaining his façade as chancellor (they don't know that he too is a Sith Lord), but his comment may illustrate his hubris.  As the chancellor, at least, he thinks that a single Sith Lord (and the apprentice, at that) is more powerful than two Jedi.  Luke points out his flaw in Return of the Jedi when he tells him, "Your overconfidence is your weakness."


When Anakin says, "I'm not the Jedi I should be.  I want more, and I know I shouldn't" in his conversation with Padmé, he turns away while saying, "I know I shouldn't," as if he can't bear to maintain eye contact with her while admitting this fault.

In the featurette titled "The Chosen One" on the bonus DVD, there's even behind the scenes footage of George Lucas directing this scene, and he specifically tells Hayden Christensen, who plays Anakin, to turn away during that line.


Most of the names of the Sith lords come ultimately from Latin.  Maul is from molere, which means to grind.  Tyrannus is the Latin word for tyrant.  Sidious seems to come from insidious, which is from the Latin insidiae, which means ambush or trickery.  Even Plagueis, who is only mentioned, has a Latinate name; it's similar to plague, which comes from plangereto beat or to strike.  Vader is the exception.  While it's pronounced differently, vader is the Dutch word for father.

In the same way that Vader's name comes from a different language family, his motivation for becoming a Sith lord is different from the others'.  Sidious's goal is clearly the acquisition and maintaining of power.  ("Unlimited power!")  The motivations of Maul and Tyrannus really aren't explored to a great degree, but they seem similar to Sidious's.

Vader, on the other hand, throws in his lot with Sidious and becomes a Sith lord primarily to save Padmé from his premonitions of her death.  He does want power (over death), but his desire for power isn't a selfish one like Sidious's is.